Chapter 128 [Surrounded by Perils]

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Hello again every1!!!! Jus wanna say that if u all wanna read ahead of the published chapters, u guys can read it at '' Enjoy 💕

Mrs. Zhong must have entered a state of shock after witnessing such a bloody scene.

Lin Mengya knew that she had to reassure and soothe Mrs. Zhong before she would be able to get anything out of her about what happened.

Perhaps it was Lin Mengya's tender voice or her gentle touch that brought Mrs. Zhong back to reality from her daze.

While keeping her eyes on the beautiful Princess Yu, who was smiling gently and harmlessly, Mrs. Zhong began narrating the frightening incident with a trembling voice.

"My husband and I were chatting casually in the carriage when suddenly his eyes were opened so wide, and the next moment, I saw blood oozing out of his neck. Thereafter, he ended up like what you saw."

The situation was so bizarre.

Otherwise, Mrs. Zhong would not be trembling fearfully up until this moment.

Lin Mengya gently patted Mrs. Zhong's shoulder, took over a warm blanket from a maid of the Zhong family and put it around Mrs. Zhong.

"Do you have another horse carriage? Please bring one here so your mistress can ride in it."

By now, the entire Zhong Family was in a frenzied state. Not long after Lin Mengya gave the instructions, a quick-witted servant returned with a decorated horse carriage.

Although this horse carriage was not as spacious as the one they were riding earlier, it was better than nothing.

"Please continue to comfort your mistress. As for your master's body, transport it back to the capital city first, then you can make arrangements for his burial."

The people nodded profusely in agreement. They were agreeable and thankful that Princess Yu had come to help make the necessary arrangements.

"Alright, we should take our leave."

Baisu held on to Lin Mengya as they jumped down from the Zhong's horse carriage. Stealing a glance at Lord Zhong's body, Lin Mengya shook her head secretly.

When they returned to their own horse carriage, the three maidservants immediately drew close to them.

"Master, what exactly happened to Lord Zhong's family?"

Baizhi asked, shrugging her shoulders. To her, it was extremely brutal to behead someone.

"Come over here, Baisu. Look, what's this?"

Instead of responding to Baizhi's question, Lin Mengya opened her right fist which she kept tightly closed all this time.

In her palm was a bunch of very thin spider-web like threads.

"This- this must be the very strong and elastic Ice Silk Thread, which is extremely valuable."

Baisu took over the silk threads from Lin Mengya's hand. They felt delicate and soft and as she rubbed them between her finger, the silk threads did not feel like they were even there.

"Elastic and strong? If one were to tighten this around someone's neck, could it sever the head in an instant?"

Suddenly, Lin Mengya recalled that she had heard news about such things happening in modern times.

It was about a biker who was riding pass a taut fishing line and his head was instantly severed.

Could Lord Zhong have died in the same way?

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