Chapter 137 [Ways to Mock Others in Old Times]

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1 more update guys, I'll update more tonight cause I have classes this morning, anyways enjoy💕
Lin Mengya felt weary and smelt bit sweaty, and gazed at the vermilion bed curtain, lost in her thoughts.

The events that happened previously, were still lingering in her mind.

Covering her head with the quilt, Lin Mengya felt so much regret that she could have bitten off her tongue.

How stupid she was! She meant to dissuade Long Tianyu from meeting Princess Ming Yue.

But then everything went beyond her control. How did it turn out like this?

Lin Mengya cowered beneath the quilt, feeling a sense of regret and depression.

She fiddled with her fingers, wondering if this was the right time to apologize to Long Tianyu.

"Master, master, are you all right? You scared us to death."

Baiji drew the curtain back, but Lin Mengya, hiding under the quilt refused to emerge from it.

"Don't worry about me. I'm fine."

Lin Mengya forced a smile, although she was in low spirits. The maids were all concerned about her.

Something must have happened between their master and the prince. They had been acting strangely, recently.

They had been the most lovey-dovey couple in the camp ground. But ever since they returned home, they had been at loggerheads. What could have happened?

These four ladies had never been in love before. How could they understand that when it comes to love, a jealous woman could be really unreasonable.

For the next three days, Lin Mengya shut herself in her room.

"Well, it can't go on like this! If only Qinghu was here. He was always able to make master happy."

Standing at the porch, the four ladies were worried.

These days, Lin Mengya always felt drowsy. She took very little food and medicine.

One could die of boredom, if the situation carried on like this.


Early in the morning, Lin Zhongyu left his room, and hurried to the yard.

"Hush, Childe Yu, please be quiet. The master has just fallen asleep."

Baishao grasped his arms and glared at him.

"Sorry, I didn't know. My good-hearted sister Baishao, please let me in. She has been sleeping for three whole days already. I'm afraid she will turn into a pig if she continues sleeping."

Lin Zhongyu stuck his tongue out and looked at Baishao, appealing to her.

"Well, all right then. Be quiet and don't wake her up."

Baishao finally gave in. She opened the door and let him in.

Lin Zhongyu thought Lin Mengya would be asleep, but instead, she was sitting at the desk, writing something.

"Sister? What are you writing?"

He walked over curiously and saw that Lin Mengya has already written several pages on rice paper.

"You are here. Come and read my work. What do you think of it?"

Lin Mengya was not the type of person, who would fall into decadence, because of a mere break up.

She had continued to pursue her hobby from college. Everything that happened to Crown Prince in Mount Lingju, was written into her novel, much like a legendary tale.

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