Chapter 117 [Taking Every Step with Caution]

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Hey guys!!! New updates is here. 🥰
Also juz wanna say sorry for not posting, I'm having my finals this month so it's been kinda rough for me and also it's kinda hard to upload cause I'm not just copying n pasting it, I still have to edit some grammars and mistakes here n there. Thanks peeps for the support. iluvyewguyssm 🥺💓
"Do you have a plan?"

In fact, Long Tianhao had some ideas of his own after listening to Lin Mengya speak.

However, his curiosity got the better of him and he wanted to hear from Lin Mengya first.

This woman stood out from other women in that she was always so full of creative ideas.

Among her ideas, some were unheard of and unseen.

He wondered how much of her mind was still unknown to him.

"Your Highness, please help by first spreading the word that the killer has been found."

Lin Mengya showed a mysterious smile, which was her signature smile. By so doing, she made Long Tianhao itched in the heart.

When she smiled in this way, Long Tianhao knew someone would get into trouble soon.

"Alright," said Long Tianhao, driven by his emotions. Long Tianhao was himself unaware, how much he doted on this woman.

"Thank you so much, Your Highness. We'll wait for the good news then."

Lin Mengya smiled with a coldness hidden in her smile.

She could tell from what she saw that both King Ming and the Crown Prince were fully aware of how Elder Sister Yue Ting was humiliated.

Otherwise, how did they jump to the conclusion that it had to do with her, who had a deep grudge against Hu Lunan?

One was the King Ming of the western vassal state, while the other was the Crown Prince of Dajin. How outrageous of them!

How could they condone such a filthy and vile act and yet behave as if they were in the right?

Where was justice in this world?

In that case, she had no reason to be kind when dealing with them.

While Lin Mengya was engrossed in her emotions, she did not realize that the man in front of her was looking at her with such tenderness.

The two of them had returned to Prince Yu's tent secretly, so much so that no one noticed them at all.

Long Tianhao stood outside the entrance of the tent and watched Lin Mengya as she entered through it and eventually disappeared out of his sight.

In an instant, the tender look on his face faded away like melting snow.

What remained was his usually dispassionate expression as he turned to leave the tent.

He supposed it was his usual way of not wanting to create any stir but always keeping the peace which led the Crown Prince to think that he was weak and easily manipulated.

"Lin Kui, get someone to secretly spread the rumor that we have captured the assassin who tried to kill Hu Lunan."

Lin Mengya's plan was brilliant, but in order for them not to give the game away, he had to create some hot news item.

"Yes, Your Highness."

While Lin Kui excused himself to carry out his instructions, Long Tianhao returned to Long Qinghan's tent.

The moment Long Tianhao entered the tent, what came into sight was Long Qinghan lying on the bed, reeking of alcohol. Long Tianhao could not help frowning.

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