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" Your words dont mean a thing! im not listening your words are just water from my wings!" we all sung. Me and Jenny waited for Niall and  Louis to come and pick us up. We sat on the bench while drinking a cold coca cola. I knew they were here because I heard them in the car singing at the top of their lungs " its in his dna d d d d dna d d d d dna " i laughed. I grabbed Jennys hand and we opened the car doors. I heard someone scream our names. I knew it was Perrie. " Hey we leave for america in 4 days to do our concert. and i was wondering if i could come along so i can see my zayn :)" she said smiling. I grabbed her hand and pulled her hand into the car with us. We all sang " Change change your life take it all, were gonna stick to together i know we'll get through it all!" I laughed as we all got out of the car. We opened the door to the flat as we found Zayn chasing Liam with a spoon. I tackled Zayn and popped his head with the spoon and said bad Zayn. Liam hugged me and said " yeah zayn your bad." Perried stood at the door with a pouty face and crossed arms. Zayn ran to her and gave her a huge hug. I smiled at the cuteness of it. I guess Niall read my mind because a few seconds later i felt his hand around my waiste. I smiled and tilted my head up to give him an upside down kiss. Jenny and Louis were sitting on the couch talking as Jenny rubbed her tummy. I smiled because I was so happy for them. I then snapped " Niall! We have to go sign the adoption papers!" He grabbed my hand and took me to the car. We arrived at the building and Niall pushed the door open for me. Then a lady came up to us and asked if were Mr and Ms Horan. Niall laughed and said " Well this is my fiance so its not officially horan yet" I smiled in agreement. The lady smiled and said " follow me " So we did as she demanded. We sat in a little room. A guy asked for us to sign the papers and said we could pick her up in 3 days. Niall smiled and looked at me and said " You will be leaving in 3 days babe for the concert" I looked at the papers and got a little frustrated. I signed and said " Niall send me pictures please but I will be back as soon as possible." He held me hand as we walked out and said ok.  We finally arrived home and I ran to the bathroom because I realized I hadnt tooken a shower in a day which bothered me. It was unlocked so I walked right in. I heard a shriek and covered my eyes. Louis and Jenny. They were in the shower. I didnt freak out because I did it. haha. I opened the shower cutrains and said " louis dont mess with my bitch" He laughed and said " ok get out" i laugehd and slammed the curtains shut. I walked out of the bathroom and went to the bathroom upstairs. I slipped out of my clothes and locked the door. I turned the shower to steaming hot. i saw the steam coming out about 5 minutes later and decided to hop in. It felt so good. 20 minutes later i walked out and turned the knob to OFF and slid into one of Nialls shirts with my shorts. I brushed my hair out, blowdried it and made a messy bun with it. I washed my makeup off and put my glasses on. Niall hopped in after me but kissed my cheek before he opened the door. I walked downstairs to tell everyone goodnight. They all waved at me but Jenny and Perrie came and kissed both sides of my cheek so i did the same to theirs. We laughed and I walked upstairs. I slid under the covers and right before i was drifting off into my sleep. I felt two strong arms wrap around me. I didnt look back cause i knew who it was. He kissed my cheek and said " goodnight my little princess" I laughed and kissed him. We both smiled and dozed off into a deep sleep.

Irresistable ( Niall Horan Fan Fic) SEQUEL TO THEY DONT KNOW ABOUT USWhere stories live. Discover now