Chapter 2: New Faces

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Goslingpaw followed along her cousins as they treaded up the path. Jagged Slash had offered her calm words of reassurance, but Glacier Storm had said nothing further.

The rest of BlazeClan remained in silence as Splash Sprint and Russet Rush carefully guided them through the tall, swaying grass and up a small hill.

The kits squeaked with excitement as they moved on, asking curiously about the new land and when they would get there.

Soon, they approached a massive clearing uphill which was surrounded by tall trees with lush greenery growing about on almost everything in sight.

Beautiful flowers bloomed abundantly all around different areas of the camp, and some even peeked out from corners out of rocks.

The entrance to the camp had two large flower trees with their branches bent over and vines hanging down, resembling some sort of gate.

Glacier Storm glanced back, and sharply tilted her head. "Come here. The tribe will swarm you once you enter; they have been awaiting your arrival."

Goslingpaw blinked in surprise, before cautiously venturing towards the silver she-cat who draped a silver and white wing over her.

"Ahem, what about her sister?" Dovetail cut in, looking purely insulted that the royal siblings had ignored her precious baby like that.

"Like I said, not a royal blood, more like a fat DenFolk pet. Now move," sneered the silver queen coldly as she stalked into the camp, pushing through the vines.

And as expected, the tribe cats did swarm the new arrivals.

A flurry of wings were all Goslingpaw saw as many winged cats landed from their perches to greet the new arrivals. She shied deeper under her cousin's wing, uncertain.

"Alright, enough!" Hollered Jagged Slash, spreading his large wings after a while of the clamour not dying down even a single notch.

"Our new arrivals and our heir have all had a long journey here, let us give them some space, shall we?" At that, most of the cats did back off, though their eyes still glittered with curiosity.

"Light!" Glacier Storm suddenly shouted. Goslingpaw was startled, and a flurry of pawsteps sounded out. Shortly after, a rosetted grey she-cat with a Solar sigil darted over.

"Take them to the healer's cove. After that I want you to take a short rest before I assess your hunting," instructed the silver she-cat. "Understood?"

"Yes your majesty." With that, she removed her wing from Goslingpaw's form before beckoning to her brother and calling Russet Rush and Splash Sprint to follow her.

All eyes were on her now. Goslingpaw felt uneasy as soft whispering rippled through the massive tribe's ranks.

"Is that her?"
"It has to be, look at that jawline! It matches Rippling Leaf's perfectly!"
"She's a Phyto and Audio mix like him too."
"She's scrawny, isn't she?"
"I mean, she looks almost as pretty as Glacier Storm."

Splash Sprint gently nudged her towards the grey she-cat who was patiently waiting, before giving reassuring glances to the BlazeClan cats as he and his mate set off.

With no other choice, she and the BlazeClan cats followed the young apprentice into the medicine den.
Even inside the den, life teemed with abundance.

The cream and brown Littlepaw was currently being checked by a beautiful golden colorpoint blotched tabby tom with the Latro and Cryo sigils, who had asked her if she had any ongoing allergies or sicknesses.

Heart Of A Fighter (Book 4): Magic In The ValleyWhere stories live. Discover now