Chapter 14: Bound By Claws

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"You will be having your Warrior's Wish assessment soon, Wren," Lagoon Snarl meowed, green eyes fixing her with a steady, calm gaze. "This ceremony will determine if you are ready or not to be a true tribe member."

The cream and brown she-cat sat tall, tail twitching slightly as she anxiously sunk her claws in and out of the dirt. Her heart raced slightly as her mentor continued to speak.

"You arrived here five moons back, young and helpless with barely any knowledge of the world of the Northern Kingdoms, and I have watched you blossom into a budding flower as you learned quicker that I would've imagined."

His eyes glistened. "However, this assessment is your ultimate test to show your knowledge. You are old enough to be a true Tribal cat soon, but you have to prove you have the skills to do so."

"Today, you will be having your preliminary assessment with your tribe mates. I expect you to perform to the best of your abilities and to not let me down."

Wren took a deep breath and nodded nervously. "Yes Lagoon Snarl." Her snowy mentor simply nodded and gestured for her to follow him as they approached the other apprentices and their mentors, all already waiting.

As they left the camp, Wren saw Aldertrail and Azurestar gazing at her from the confines of the nursery, eyes glimmering with pride and joy.

The brown healer had started expecting kits a quarter moon ago, and she had been moved to the nursery just in case. Cryptid kits developed slightly faster than regular kittens, so it was a safety precaution.

Wren smiled back and followed the other apprentices out of the camp.
The ring was huge. Every apprentice and their mentor sat starkly around in a circle formation in the vast meadows, and King Jagged Slash and Queen Glacier Storm perched atop two large stone peaks.

"Remember the rules, apprentices," Jagged Slash's voice boomed out. "Claws out, killing bites mimed,and if your opponent is forced down and unable to get up by the count of five, you win the round."

"Every apprentice is to fight at least three of their fellow trainees today. We will start off with Wren, for your first fight you will fight with Hickory."

Wren blinked. Hickory would be a decent opponent.

Despite having three legs, the brown tom was built like a tank and through rigorous special training, he could move as fast as a rattlesnake, with strong back legs that enabled him to leap far and high.

"In the ring, your own tribe mates can be your enemy," Glacier Storm meowed, her tail coiling around her paws. "Every cat you face in the ring must be treated as such. There are no exceptions in battle."

Wren stepped into the ring, wings rustling uncertainly as she watched Hickory step in from the opposite direction, eyes glistening with playful malice.

The three-legged tom hunched his back, his tail lashing like a whip, while Wren flattened her ears against her head and arched her body like a coiled spring.

Her wings flared up as the emerald streaks, a symbol of her royal lineage, glowed brightly. In response, Hickory flared his, revealing the darker 'eye' patterns on his coverts.

Glacier Storm's crucial gaze sent a shiver down her spine, the icy stare crucial and judging.


With lightning speed, Wren surged forward, her target being Hickory's throat. However, with more experience than her, Hickory was too quick.

He dodged her attack with feline grace, twisting and turning in the air like a fiery whirlwind. Wren pursued relentlessly, her sharp claws extended and her teeth bared.

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