Chapter 12: Meet The Cult

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[TW for gore]
The air in the cavern thrummed with a nervous energy. Al of the former BlazeClan apprentices, their fur still sleek and all of them still rather inexperienced, sat clustered around their mentors.

It was the day they were going to meet the Golden Rose Cult up close and personal. And not just one cat; it was the whole tribe.

Wren felt fear and excitement thrumming deep in her heart. She already saw their leader, Crisp and Carnation. Would the rest of the Golden Rose Cult be as nice as the three she-cats seemed to be?

She snuck a glance at Hyacinth, who seemed more anxious than usual, Thunder who was grooming himself to look presentable, Shard who was eagerly firing off questions at his mentor and Lynx who seemed scared.

The other apprentices looked either bored, nervous or straight up excited, and the air radiated with their energy as soft chatter began to flow.

After a while, Queen Glacier Storm stepped into the centre. Her piercing blue eyes scanned the apprentices, each one mirroring the fear and excitement of their young hearts as the chatter gradually died.

"Trainees of the tribe," she meowed with a regal air. "Today, you will embark on a journey to visit our allies in the Kingdom. This is a momentous occasion, and I urge you to approach it with respect and caution."

The apprentices listened intently, eyes wide with anticipation and trepidation. They had heard many tales of their cannibalistic allies, feared for their savage nature, yet also admired for their unwavering loyalty.

"As you traverse their territory," Glacier Storm continued. "It is imperative that you adhere to these five rules:

1. Silence is golden. Restrain your tongues unless you have something kind to say. Your words have the power to bridge or shatter relationships.

2. Respect their customs. Remember that their ways may differ from ours. Embrace their beliefs and traditions, even if you do not fully understand them.

3. Do not judge. Your opinions are your own, but they should not be imposed upon others. Remember, we are all creatures of the valley.

4. Control your paws. The occasion may be quite a while and the temptation to hunt great, but you must refrain from indulging in unauthorized prey. Our allies are our guests.

5. Obey your mentors. Your mentors are seasoned warriors who have been to the Golden Rose Cult's camp many times before. Trust their guidance and follow their instructions explicitly."

Glacier Storm's voice carried the weight of many moons of experience. Her tribe had forged an alliance with the Cult long ago, and she understood the delicate balance that needed to be maintained.

"Remember," she concluded, "Your conduct will reflect not only upon you but also upon our tribe. Be mindful of your actions and strive to build bridges of friendship."

The apprentices nodded, their hearts pounding with a mix of excitement and unease. Wren knew that this journey would test her mettle, and she was determined to prove herself worthy of her queen's trust.

It was only an hour later that they all took off, with Rime Scratch and Ravine Scale in the lead and Mandrake Shard herding from the rear.

"What do you think the Cult will be like?" Lynx asked as he swerved slightly to fly next to her. "I heard it's mostly female-populated and she-cats have the highest ranks there."

"I hope they're nice," Wren answered back, wind whistling in her ears. "Crisp seemed scary but nice and Carnation..." she trailed off and snuck a glance at Hyacinth, who seemed very distracted.

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