Chapter 15: Sisters Reunited

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Wren laughed as Shard pounced on Thunder, watching as they playfully tussled with each other.

Grey and silver fur flew around as the brothers wrestled each other to the ground, giggling hysterically as they did so. Shard playfully nipped at his brother's ears, batting at his wings as he did so.

The next few days had become a blur as they flashed past. Wren had been diligently memorising the herbs of the valley and where to find them for her final healer exam, and she had also been training with her friends for battle.

Lynx, Shard and Thunder all seemed to be coping well, having been locked in claws during their free time as a way to strengthen their bodies and boost their energy.

Hyacinth however had been sneaking out of camp more and more, and while Wren didn't want to jump to conclusions something told her the way she fought now was probably taught by Carnation.

She snapped out of her thoughts when she was soon made aware of her sister approaching her when she heard the familiar soft pawsteps behind her.

Swanpaw looked deathly frantic as she glanced furtively from side to side, as if she was desperately hoping that nobody was following her.

Wren narrowed her eyes as her sister came closer to her, and slid out her claws. "Goslingpa- Wren, please, can we talk? I need to tell you something important."

The cream and brown she-cat glared at her, and was faintly aware of her friends standing by her sides as they realised her childhood tormentor was there.

"Please, sister! It's really important!" Swan begged, her gaze pleading and desperate. Thunder took a step forward and started, "Listen, you little piece of-"

Wren used a paw to block his way and meowed coldly, "Thunder, let me handle it on my own." Her sigils flickered slightly, and she added icily, "I am no longer that weak mewling kit I was so many moons ago."

She glared at her sister, who shrunk in fear at her icy stare. "What do you have to say? Spit it out." "Can't we talk in private? Please?" Wren Whisper growled under her breath and hissed, "Fine."

She whirled around and stalked off towards the riverbank, a swift lash of her tail sending a vine barrier up to block her friends from following her sister.

Stopping at the edge of the river, she turned and glared at the white she-cat, before she snarled coldly, "What do you want to say?"

"I'm sorry." Wren stopped. Her ears twitched in surprise. Did she just say...

"Wh-" "I'm so so sorry! You have no idea how much guilt I've been feeling for treating you like dirt all those moons!" Wailed Swan.

Before Wren could even say anything, Swan continued in tears, "This was all Dovetail's fault! She told me that you were the curse in our litter because after you were born dad died!"

Wren stared incredulously at her sister. "You were the one who went along with it and willingly put me through Hagsmire and beyond," she spat. "What does that mangy haggard have to do with this?"

Swan shook her head desperately and continued, "She kept saying that you had seduced Thunder and Shard when we were kits and that you manipulated Azuregale into standing up for you!"

She paused, gasping through teary, ragged breaths. "And I believed her because... b-because...."

"Because what?" Wren prompted, staring down her sister with a skeptical glance. "I was so jealous!" She wailed.

Heart Of A Fighter (Book 4): Magic In The ValleyWhere stories live. Discover now