Chapter 19: Long Live The Queen

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It had been two moons of peace since then. Wren Whisper was enjoying her life as a tribe healer, being able to do what she loved to do the most.

She found it laughable that there was once a time she thought healing would be boring; it was certainly the true opposite for her right now.

Rocktalon had been sulking since he found out his crush was indeed not even remotely interested in the opposite gender, and as a result had began slacking off.

It had taken a loud reprimanding from Gustfang and a threat to revoke his warrior name to get him to stop his childish tantrum, and though sometimes he still stared longingly at Hyacinth, he no longer tried pursuing her.

As of right now, Wren's little siblings were happily playing with their father, climbing all over Azurestar and batting playfully at his tail.

Ember was climbing onto his father's back while Owl and Wisp batted at his feathers. At one point, Owl latched on to his feather and stayed there like a leech until Azurestar gingerly shook her off.

Azurestar dramatically gasped, "Oh, no! How disastrous! The mighty warriors have attacked me! However shall I come out alive?" From the nursery, Aldertrail chuckled at the silly antics her kits and her mate were up to.

Wren Whisper came up to her mother with Bloodlake root in her jaws and gently placed it at her paws. "Here, mom. It helps your milk flow for the little ones," she explained.

Aldertrail beamed and leaned forth to lick her daughter on the forehead lovingly. "What did I do the receive such a considerate and thoughtful daughter?" She purred warmly, before she bent down and ate the root.

It was a moment of peace and quiet, and Wren Whisper relished in the moment as her family seemed to be having fun around her. It was perfect.

But just like the time in the mountains, peace would never last long.

Minutes later, Shrike Screech burst into camp, her normal golden pelt having taken on a shade of unfamiliar silver and white and her eyes a shade of orange instead of their regular green.

She seemed too upset to speak, and Hickory Whisker came up to her, concerned. Before any cat could say anything however, the squadron that had gone out that morning to handle the Hearts' territory expansion returned.

And with them they carried the dead bodies of the two royal siblings.

Gasps of horror escaped every cat as they beheld the sight of the returning battalion, their burden a stark testament to the horrors they had faced.

The eldest, his voice hoarse, addressed the tribe. "We have returned from the war. We have fought valiantly, but the cost of victory is heavy. Our leaders, our King and Queen, have fallen in the pursuit of what is rightfully ours."

His voice cracked, choked by emotion. A collective moan of grief rose from the crowd. Warriors wailed for the lives of two brave and determined leaders gone so soon. The air throbbed with the raw agony of loss.

"We carry their memory in our hearts. We carry their courage in our claws. We shall not falter. We shall honor their sacrifice and send them off to the Realm of Shining Suns tonight."

As the bodies were carted to the Cove, Wren got to her paws and hurried to her station. She could hear the kits whining as Azurestar quickly brought them back to their mother.

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