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• Glacier Storm was reincarnated as an albino barn owl. She is tasked with watching over Wren Whisper while living the life of freedom she never had.

• Wren Whisper and Lynx Thistle had two kits in the future, Sleet and Robin.

• Splash Sprint and Russet Rush both passed away almost a year after Wren Whisper was crowned queen as they had gone on a mission to another island and had picked up a virus without them knowing for the first four moons.

• Carnation and Hyacinth Petal make it a tradition to chase each other around the valley anytime they get the chance to meet up.

• Stormslash never got over his pride and still remained bitter that his kits chose to follow a life not up to his expectations, and he remains sour and bitter as he watches Leopard grow into an even better fighter than he was.

• Daze and Drift, the twin brothers who lead the Hearts Of The Restless, have Scottish accents.

• When BlazeClan became official tribe members, the spirits of the Tribe of Shining Suns decided not to revoke Azurestar's blessings and let him keep them to serve as a reminder of his old past.

• The sequel to Heart Of A Fighter, Overthrowing Oppression, takes place half a year after Wren takes the throne.

• Rattlebite was transformed into a tsukomagen as a punishment for trying to murder all four of the Guild leaders as she was furious they were promoted faster than her and seemed to excel at everything better than her. She nearly succeeded at her goal after seeking training from the Dark Celestial Sang Toare, but was defeated and turned to a tsukomagen by Blizzardbreath, the fourth Guild leader.

•~•~•Golden Rose Cult Lore, TW: gore + cannibalism•~•~•
• The Golden Rose Cult used to be a rebellion led by a Xylo named Asteroid who wanted to overthrow the tribes to form an Empire. Eagle, who had been a young apprentice, was cast out by her mother Queen Daisy Fang for framed treason, and joined the rebellion hoping to get back at her and prove she would be a great warrior.

Unfortunately, she saw how horribly the misogynistic Asteroid treated the she-cats in the rebellion, often starving them and denying them of majority of basic needs while treating them like slaves. Soon, out of hunger, desperation and sheer insanity from the lack of food and water, Eagle eventually went completely mad and attacked Asteroid in a brutal, desperate frenzy for some form of sustenance.

She rendered him completely unable to move before beginning to devour him while he was barely alive, and soon, driven by hunger, the other she-cats joined in, feasting on Asteroid's body as he begged and pleaded for them to let him live. This was when she took over leadership of the rebellion as the leader, establishing her position with fair rule and gory execution to those who dared to challenge her and treat her fellow cryptids like slaves.

• The Golden Rose Cult is gained their cannibalistic reputation when they couldn't ignore the delight of the taste cat flesh brought to them and soon sought out traitors from other tribes to slaughter and eat. For some reason almost all Cult cats seem to bear a sixth sense that is able to detect cryptids with malicious intentions like murderers or abusive parents, and it is only these types of cats that the cult actively seek to devour.

• The Cult cats exclusively worship Eagle Ra as to them, she is their saviour, rescuing them from evil and bringing them flesh to consume in times of starvation and hunger. Eagle's frightening connection to the Dark Celestials and the Shadow Wardens since young further solidifies their worship toward her, viewing her as a goddess carrying out the Shadow Spirits' orders.

• Eagle, despite her fearsome reputation, horrifyingly loyal cult/tribe members and her great power, surprisingly does not even give a care about using them for her own personal wants or goals. She's a fair leader through and through, and does her best to keep the peace between her tribe and the other three of the valley.

• Eagle used to have a crush on Glacier Storm, but the silver she-cat had built up so many walls around her out of anxiety, anger and fear it was near impossible to break through. While Eagle did manage to break some of these walls down, she never really got to make her move on Glacier Storm, and though she is disappointed about it she knows it's for the best.

Heart Of A Fighter (Book 4): Magic In The ValleyWhere stories live. Discover now