Chapter 16: New Blossoms

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"I'm so excited!" Squealed Mousekit as she and Icekit were scampering about the nursery floor. "We're finally going to become tribe apprentices!"

Wren smiled fondly as she watched Cottonsong gently groom Hazekit, who squirmed about slightly while Aldertrail helped her to groom Ripplekit.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Cottonsong's four children had finally taken their assessments the day before and would now become official tribe apprentices today.

Their ceremonies had been delayed for this long after the move to the Northern Kingdoms, and finally after so long of restlessly waiting Queen Glacier Storm finally assessed all four of them the day before.

Wren had watched Cottonsong groom her kits countless times. She had a gentle touch, her tongue working with precision, her claws carefully tucked away.

But today, her movements were faster, her purrs more worried.

"Don't be nervous, my kittens," the white she-cat murmured, her soft voice a balm in the quiet nursery. "Remember what I taught you. Be brave, be strong, and most importantly, be kind."

The four kits, oblivious to the weight of the impending ceremony, wriggled playfully beneath her touch. Mousekit was a whirlwind of energy, while her oldest brother Ripplekit was more subdued, his gaze fixed on his mother.

Hailkit watched everything with an intensity that belied his age, and Icekit seemed to be brimming with anxiety despite the comforting purrs Aldertrail offered him as she helped tidy his fur.

Wren watched as Cottonsong flicked her tail, brushing away a stray bit of fur from Mousekit's sleek coat. The small she-kit looked up at her mother, her eyes filled with adoration.

"I'll become a brave warrior so I can protect you and my brothers, Mama!" She squeaked, and a touched, warm smile curled across Cottonsong's face as her brothers smiled along with her.

"May all cryptids come to the Dragon Tree immediately!" The voice of Foxglove Heart roared out a minute later, and Aldertrail nudged Icekit to his paws, urging him to go.

Moments later, the entire tribe was gathered around the Dragon Tree, the four littermates sitting before the large oak while hushed chattered rippled through the clearing.

Silence overcame the entire clearing when the two royal siblings once again perched on the tallest branches on the tree. "Cats of the Tribe!" Yowled King Jagged Slash.

"We are gathered here right now to commence the ceremony of apprenticeship for four young warriors who have proven their worth in their assessments," Queen Glacier Storm recited.

Wren remembered her feelings of excitement all too well when she herself was receiving her own apprenticeship ceremony, and she felt a surge of pride for Cottonsong's children.

"Under careful observation, the kits of our resident queen Cottonsong have all been assessed individually yesterday, and the results are clear about which Colony they shall join."

From where she was sitting, Wren could see Mousekit practically vibrating in her spot with excitement while her brothers' eyes shone with joy and pride.

"Ripplekit, step forth." The eldest of his litter snapped his head towards the queen, eyes widening and flickering with anticipation as he made his way to the front of the tree.

"Ripplekit, the results of your assessment has shown that you are most compatible with the cryptids of the Healing and Astrology Colony." At this, Wren watched as the kits' father bristled in indignation and shock.

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