Chapter 17: Charm Of Fire

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The air was thick with anticipation and excitement as every single apprentice was settled before the Dragon Tree, tails quivering and eyes bright.

It was the day they would go through both their individual guild exams and their final Dragon's Guardian exam to become a warrior of the tribe.

Wren's parents had groomed her for a solid ten minutes while encouraging her and cheering her on, both wishing her good luck for her final exams.

King Jagged Slash paced in front of the apprentices, green eyes scanning each cat as he paced. All eyes seemed to be on them as he opened his jaws to speak.

"Apprentices, you all have trained for five and a half moons in your respective colonies," he boomed. "Today, you will be taking your final assessments so the Elemental Circle can determine whether you are worthy of being a true tribe warrior."

"You will all report to your respective colony leaders for your individual exams. Once your individual exams are complete, you will wait by the caches for your Dragon's Guardian exam with the trainees from the other tribes."

He flicked his tail. "Best of luck, apprentices. Do not disappoint us and your mentors."
The scent of herbs hung heavy in the air, a familiar, comforting aroma that spoke of healing and life. Wren sat nervously in the center of the cove, her paws twitching.

This was it. Her healer's exam.

For weeks, she'd poured over every herb, every poultice, every bone-setting technique she could find. Now, she had to prove she was worthy of becoming a full-fledged medicine cat.

As her examiner, Mint Whistle, stepped forward, Wren could feel her heart hammering against her ribs. "Crown heiress Wren." Her voice was gentle.

"For your first task, you must identify these herbs and describe their uses."

She then placed a collection of dried leaves and flowers on the ground before her. Wren took a deep breath, her eyes scanning the array.

She recognized the pungent scent of marigold, the sweet aroma of lavender, and the earthy smell of dandelion. One by one, she named each herb, describing its medicinal properties, her voice steady and confident.

Mint Whistle nodded approvingly. "You have a keen nose, Wren."

Next, she was presented with a series of scenarios. A cat with a broken leg, a kitten with a cough, a warrior with a festering wound.

Wren calmly described the treatment plan for each, her voice betraying no hint of panic. A cool head would garner her more marks than if she was visibly panicking.

Mint Whistle, her fur silvered with age but her eyes as sharp as a hawk's, regarded Wren with a stoic expression. "For your final test, you must name every location where each herb grows within the territory."

Wren nodded, her throat dry. This was the final hurdle, the last test separating her from becoming a full-fledged Medicine Cat.

She had spent countless moons learning the secrets of the forest, memorizing every nook and cranny where healing plants thrived.

At that, Mint Whsitle presented a woven pouch hissed in her wings, its contents rustling softly. "Start with the most common, the burdock root."

Wren reached in, her paw brushing against the rough texture of the root. She hoped her memory would not fail her now at this crucial point of time.

"Burdock root," she began, her voice firm despite the tremor in her chest, "grows in clusters along the banks of the stream that flows west through the territory, mostly near the Wildflower Garden."

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