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"...Seonghwa !"

"W-Who did this to you ?!"

Aera frantically exclaims, trying to stop the blood coming out of Seonghwa's neck as he laid under the tree...

"It was... my ***......"

"No no no no no, S-Seonghwa ! Come back please !"


"Alright guys, 10 mins and we'll go again.", the coach claps his hands and blows out a whistle.

"Hah...", a group of boys sit down on the bench, breaking into a sweat, their hair damp and their bodies begging for rest.

"The holidays made me lose all of my stamina", one of the boys spoke. It was noon, before their lunch. The summer holidays were over and the athletes had to start their practice, running around the big stadium while enjoying the sunlight brush against their skin, in hopes to forget the start of fall.

"Yeah right, except for Park over there. Look at him still running just to get that ball in the basket."

Among the boys, only one of them stood out the most, Park Seonghwa. He was the best basket player in their team, scoring the highest points in matches, although he had many rivals.

"Hey guys", another one joins them, Choi Jongho. The latter puts his bag on the bench, taking out his essentials.

"Hey, tell your hyung to stop bragging and sit down.", one of the boys spoke. His thin body and pointy structure, everything was obvious about his mannerism according to his face.

"Leave him alone guys"

"I mean what am I even saying ? You guys aren't that close anymore right ? Park Seonghwa's just fu*king garbage to us", the room gets filled with chuckles and snickers around Jongho but the latter decides to just stay silent, taking off his jacket, revealing a black shirt hugging his biceps and a simple black jogging, revealing his thick and toned thighs.

Jongho stays respectful towards his sunbaes, politely telling them to stay silent. The atmosphere turned uncomfortable, tense and too anxious as the two guys keep adding salt to the wound. And Jongho didn't like that one bit.

"Come on, don't be scared ~ Hey we're planning to confront him later in the alley, you know what that means ", another guy adds, except that one had a higher weight, always feeling self-important and arrogant as he winked while punching in the air to signal Jongho about their plan.

So they're planning to really kill the hell out of Seonghwa...

"Let's all stay silent now and focus on the game", Jongho finally speaks, trying to stop all of those ear piercing noises from echoing in his ears. One more insult referring to his hyung and he would explode.

"Focus on his feet, that'll stop him from running any more.", another one adds.

"I said shut up!!"

Jongho had enough. He pulls both guys from their seats and yanks them on the cold and hard floor, kicking them violently. He throws down the most chatty guy between his legs as Jongho throws heavy punches in his face. The room gets heavy as the other guys fly around in panic, shouting for the coach.

Blood splatters everywhere as Jongho doesn't stop, punching at every word he repeats, "Don't you dare talk about him like that"

"Jongho !", Seonghwa notices the situation and finally pulls Jongho away from the boys, who frantically runs away in absolute fear.


"What took you to do this ?"


Jongho was finally calm, sitting on the bed in the infirmary room as a nurse bandages him up. His knuckles were completely red and bloody as some of the skin was scratched out by the fight.

Seonghwa sat beside him after the nurse left the room.

"You're lucky no one outside the stadium noticed, not even the coach.", Seonghwa speaks, sighing while doing so.

"And the other basket players were too surprised to even let the word out."

"How so ?"

"Probably 'cause they thought you'd come after them"

"But hey... thanks", Seonghwa adds, smiling gently at his dongsaeng, who smiles back. "How can you handle all that ?"

"Well, you know, there's a time when you get used to it", Seonghwa replied in a warm tone. He was ATEEZ's favourite. Having him around, getting comforted by him or eating his delicious cooked meals, it was as if he was a combination of a mother and a brother at the same time.

As for Jongho, he was treated not always like the youngest brother he is but rather like the friend who shared the same age as the rest of them. Jongho was loyal, more than you can even think of.

"Fist bump !!"

"Yea-- OW ! HYUNG !"


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