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"Park Seonghwa open the f*cking door ! "

The door unlocks and once Seonghwa's dad hears the unlock sound, he bursts inside, huffing in anger while facing Seonghwa, who seems rather laid back.

"I was changing dad"

"Change what ? Your diapers ?", his dad responded in sarcasm as he searched around the room with his eyes narrowed. He was in his pyjamas, looking less scary than when he would wear his lab coat for the whole day.

Seonghwa sighs when his dad gave him a last threat of locking the door and finally gave up by leaving. Yunho comes out from under the bed and Jongho from the closet, both letting a relieved sigh escape their mouth.

Mingi knocked at the window, his expression warning trouble as he waved for them to come out frantically. They didn't want to waste any more time, they knew they would be in deep trouble if Seonghwa's father caught them.

"Guys I'm not supposed to go out", Seonghwa speaks and Yunho sighed in anger, his ears starting to warm up and blushing red. He went towards the window, flung it open and faced Seonghwa and Jongho. "Let's get the f*ck out of here."

And there they were, running towards the main road and leaving the field where Seonghwa's dad stayed there alone, unaware that his son disobeyed his orders.

At that time, Seonghwa no longer cared of what the consequences were waiting for him for he only wanted an escape, an escape where he would be together with his friends who are always standing beside him.

"When did you get that car ??"

Yeosang ran ahead of them, unlocking a car before entering inside. "Get in. It's my father's"


"You can stay in our dorm hyung"

Seonghwa was finally on the apartment building, walking along with ATEEZ and Aera. "Thanks guys...", Seonghwa trailed as he scratched the back of head, slightly embarrassed by the whole situation and received a gentle smile from the others.

"You need to treat your wounds hyung"

"I'll do it", Aera took Seonghwa's hand and headed inside her apartment. "We'll be right upstairs Aera's apartment hyung, see you !", Wooyoung screamed at the already closed door, only to be dragged out by San.

Seonghwa sat down the couch, his feet bouncing up and down as he looked around Aera's apartment. "Found it", Aera speaks, coming from the kitchen with a first aid box in her hands.

Taking out a piece of cotton and damping it in antibacterial liquid, Aera placed it on Seonghwa's lips, to which he slightly backed off.

"I'm sorry, did it burn ?", Aera asks, worried. "No... I-It's just that uhm my lips doesn't really hurt"

"Oh... well let's try on your forehead", Aera slightly smiled, her favourite habit that Seonghwa couldn't take his eyes off.

She stuck a bandade on his wound before locking eyes with each other for a split second. Aera's heart jumped a beat, as she turned away, making her pause in her actions to catch a breath.

"Where else did you get hurt...", Aera asks, shaking off the weird feelings in her stomach, although she was told butterflies couldn't be felt in your stomach as it was just an exaggerated thing people created to describe the first symptoms of love.

She couldn't shake off her pained expression as she took his wounded hands, wondering what the hell happened when they all weren't there.

"Tried to escape", Seonghwa chuckled, reading her face and she laughed, only to add that she wished all of them could have helped him. But she knew Seonghwa was strong, she didn't want to cloud her and Seonghwa's mind into thinking it wasn't meant to happen.

It was Seonghwa's dad, what was there not to expect ?

Before Aera could take away her hand after placing a bandade on the last wound on Seonghwa's hand, he clasped his hands into hers as he looked deeply into her eyes. Aera looked up with a taken-aback expression, her lips slightly parting away in confusion.

Seonghwa grew his head closer to hers, tilting to the side. "S-Seonghwa..", Aera mumbled, but she soon stopped when Seonghwa took Aera's lips between his, both closing their eyes as their lips moved in sync. They parted away from the first kiss, both of them reading each others eyes before going back in, this time he dug his fingers into her soft hair to deepen the kiss as she placed her hands on his chest, the atmosphere slightly heating up.

Seonghwa became more passionate as he made Aera rest her back on the arm sofa without breaking their kiss. Both of them felt the adrenaline run through their body, the electricity when their skin touch each other and their chemistry, making this something they would never forget.

Seonghwa knew it wasn't right to go further than this but getting to kiss the person he liked so much was already enough for him to know this meant something special.

Seonghwa started sucking her bottom lip and kissing her corner lips. They broke the kiss, staring into each other's eyes as they both took deep breaths after the heated session.

"So you do feel the same way", Seonghwa smiled, forming his usual smirk and Aera laughed as she added, "I was thinking of the same thing"

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