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"Hey dad what date are we today ?"

"We're 24'th of April 1835", my dad replied as he fixed his glasses, his eyes still focused on today's newspaper, searching for his name. It was a usual thing, something weird at first but yeah, you get used to it.

"It's not good for you to keep disturbing me, you know that right son ?", he adds and I silently replied, "I know dad... I'm sorry"

My dad is a scientist, a popular one around the whole neighborhood. After performing successful experiments all the time, he's always skimming through the newspapers, in hopes to find his name. And if he did find his name, he would dedicate all of his time to cut out the piece of information about him and sticking it on his favourite journal. However, I wasn't allowed to know any information about his work even as his own son.

He's always stuck either in his room or his lab and doesn't even allow me in his room, his car, or anything.

I respected that, I respected him. But after my mom died, he became more and more reserved towards me. It's not like he loved her a lot to make a big difference in his life but rather not having anyone to look after him.

I have no problem about that, or that I try not to...

"Bring me a glass of water", I get up at my dad's order, leaving my book and going straight into the kitchen, taking out a clean glass and filling it up at the sink while looking outside the window in front of me.

Looking at the green grass field filled with colourful flowers was a great sight to see in the time of the setting sun. The orange fireball hitting the flowers with its rays with a cold breeze in the air swaying the leaves of the trees.

I would hang out there every now and then, sitting down with a cup of coffee. My father doesn't really stay at home, so I could stay there whenever I could, at night or day, you name it.

"I think I'm going to do just that right now", Seonghwa smiled as he thought to himself, immediately in the mood to go read his book under the tree.

"Why are you taking this long for a simple glass of water ?", my dad suddenly touches my shoulder and I twitched while turning around.

He snatched the glass out of my hand before going back to his seat in the living room, shooting daggers at me. "I'm heading to the field", Seomghwa informed but got no response. He took his book, his bottle and went to his favourite spot.

"Finally some peace time", he sighed, opening his book. But he couldn't concentrate anymore. He frowned, looking at the orange and pink clouds in the sky, observing the birds fly in their nest before nighttime and the green trees standing in the distance.

He couldn't help but reflect on his life. His dad was the main problem in his life. He was his dad, yes, but figure you that he was the type of parent who would never be satisfied even if Seonghwa's heart was ripped out and placed on a platter for him.

The only thought that echoed in his mind for the last 25 years was, "I want to get out of here"

As Seonghwa was busy admiring the sky, someone appears from behind the tree.

"Psst. Psst Seonghwa"

The latter stretched his head behind him, immediately smiling as his eyes met Aera, replying to her with a "hey"

Aera was best friends with ATEEZ as well, being one of the person to support them.

"I got this for you", she spoke, taking out a box of Seonghwa's favorite snacks, adding, "I know your dad forbids you of these things but I thought to give it to you as a cheer up"

They would sometimes sneak into each others house, with no facility of phones at that time. All of ATEEZ's parents are strict, including Aera's. That's why they became closer to each other for the type of life they inhabited since birth.

Sharing and supporting each other made them more closer and inseparable.

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