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"Hey Aera !"

The door opens and closes, with Aera walking into the English classroom, her friend waving at her happily.

"Hey Hongjoong", she smiled while putting down her bag to sit down and face Hongjoong beside her.

Aera was a friendly but shy girl. She was in the art department, with the dream of becoming an artist in mind. While for Hongjoong, he was in the music department, leading ATEEZ as the leader. Hongjoong was the first person to know Aera, way before their group was formed.

They talked for a while before focusing on the class. Aera was sharing how she went to Seonghwa's and gave him snacks. However she was still disturbed about his father.

He did make eye contact with her as she was jumping off the fence into the field. But he didn't care as he went back to his newspaper, which made Aera even more nervous as to what he's planning to do afterwards.

"You're still thinking about the way his dad treated you ?", Hongjoong spoke with a question, interrupting Aera's thought and she shakes her head as a no, fiddling with her pen as she went deep in thought again.

That thought stayed within her memories like a tattoo.


"Heyyy", Aera enters Seonghwa's house with the rest of the ATEEZ members at the table. Hongjoong, Yunho, Yeosang, San, Mingi, Wooyoung and Jongho, including Seonghwa.

It was noon during one of the days in the summer holidays. Seonghwa wanted everyone to be present for a project they were working on and the infamous dad was in the living room, doing his usual routine of reading the newspapers.

Aera tried her best to laugh it out to focus more on the members but she couldn't shake off the piercing stare the old man was giving her.

It wasn't out of anger, but rather lust. Aera high-fiving the members in a joke, made him jealous as if she was already his. "I uh... I'll be right back..." 

Aera excused herself to the bathroom, the atmosphere around her suddenly changing to uncomfortableness, feeling the thought of someone surrounding and squeezing her down though she was completely alone. She was already hyperventilating. It wasn't the a first encounter of Seonghwa's weird dad yet she felt more and more nausious.

However, her luck slowly ran out as she didn't know where to find the bathroom, and suddenly came across a room with its door quarter open. She knew it was rude and useless to enter someone's room.

So she turned around and to her surprise, she bumped into the scientist. Her heart started pulsing fast and her stomach felt like she was about to throw up out of anxiety.

"Going somewhere dear ?", Seonghwa's dad speaks up, smiling gently as a way to distract her from his real intentions.
Aera smiles and shakes her head as a no, falling for his trap and her smile soon disappears as she starts walking backwards with Seonghwa's dad slowly walking towards her.

She immediately felt something was wrong, the negative energy of the scientist bringing her's down. He locked the door behind him and without warning, throws Aera to the table.

She was about to let out a scream but was forcefully silenced by the old man's hand covering her mouth, threatening her of the danger that would occur if she mutters a word.

She was trapped.

But she pushed the man away, running for the door and opening it vigorously, desperate and immediately left the house with no comments...

She had no idea what he would do to her but the only thing she was thankful for was escaping...

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