Chapter 9

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"Um, did you just say Ashton??" Eliana questions Victoria.

"Yes, yes I did." Vic responds.

"You went on a date with MY ex?! How could you?!"

"Eliana, for the last fucking time. We're not friends anymore. You took Austin right from underneath me. If I want to date Ashton, I can. You can deal with it if it really bothers you that much."

"God, you're such a bitch." Eliana scoffs.

"Takes one to know one."

"Hey, can you not treat my girl like that?" Austin asks Vic.

"Why? I'm just treating her the way she's treating me. She shouldn't even be on set."

Austin didn't say anything because he knew she was right.

Everyone headed off to set to take their places, Eliana stayed off to the side to watch.

"You know, why can't you girls just learn to get along for the sake of the movie so we don't have to be so miserable on set?" Austin asks Vic as they take places.

"Look, Austin. I would be perfectly fine with being civil but she's the one that's always starting shit, and I'm not letting her get away with it like I did when we were friends."

"Are you sure you're not the one starting things?"

"Yeah, I'm sure."

"Because she's always telling me that it's you."

"Well, somehow you're rarely ever around when she starts it, so you're not there to actually see it. Oh, and by the way, I'd keep my eye on her. I saw her checking out one of the extras."

"She wouldn't. She loves me too much."

"She loves your dick & good looks. That's about it."

"How could you be so sure?"

"That's how it is with everyone she dates. Trust me. And I feel like I've told you this before."

"Ha, yeah. Okay."

"Don't come crying to me when you catch her cheating, saying "I told you so.""

"I won't, because she won't do that."


"Alright, everyone places! We're rolling in 30 seconds!" Anna shouts.

Austin & Victoria deliver their scenes and get their takes.

"Great work guys. I'm sure as you both read in the script & in the schedule, tomorrow we're doing the sex scene. I hope you guys can really bring your A game tomorrow for it. Do what you have to do to bring that passion." Anna tells them before they go off for break.

"Wanna meet up and rehearse later?" Austin smirks, really giving a fuck boy look.

"I would never in a million years have sex with you." Victoria says in response as she walks off set.

"We'll see about that."

Victoria rolls her eyes & heads to Mila's trailer.

"Austin really thinks we'll end up fucking." she says to Mila, walking in.

"What? How?"

"Well we have to film that scene tomorrow & he's like 'Wanna rehearse later?' like ew no, I would never. And he's like 'We'll see about that.' being all cocky in shit like ew stop."

"He's so gross."

"Tell me about it." Vic rolls her eyes. "After lunch we have to film the club scene and I'm so not ready to make out with him & dance all sexy."

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