Chapter 12

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A couple days have gone by, and Victoria is ready to talk to Austin about her possibly being pregnant with his baby.

She texts him, as her heart pounds.

"Hey, I know I'm probably the last person you'd be wanting to hear from right now, but there's something I need to talk to you about. Can we meet? In private?"

Austin replies, "Hey. Uh, yeah sure. You can come over my house right now if you want."

"Okay, that works. Send me your address and I'll be on my way."

Austin sends over his address & Victoria heads over to his place.

It's a decent sized house. Not too big, not too small. Definitely bigger than anything Victoria has lived in.

There's lots of wooden walls, which seems to be a trend in homes nowadays, giving them a mid century modern feel, which is definitely what Austin is going for with his decor & use of cool and warm tones.

"So, what's this you need to talk to me about?" Austin says, letting Vic inside.

"Um, we should probably sit down for this." she says.


Austin leads her into the living room where a grand piano sits & a movie poster for Elvis' movie "King Creole" hangs on the wall above.

"You can have a set anywhere." Austin says. "Do you want anything to drink? Water? Soda?"

"No, I'm okay. Thanks though." Vic sits down in a chair. Austin sits across from her on the couch.

"Okay. What's up, Vic?"

"Um, there's no real easy way to say this, so I'm just gonna come out and say it I guess. pregnant. And it's a very good possibility're the father."

Austin sits there in silence for a moment, in shock before he says anything. "How is it a possibility that I could be the father?"

"Well, from the time that we hooked up to the time I started having symptoms, it would make sense."

"And you took a test?"

"Yes, Austin, of course I took a test."

"You know those aren't always accurate, right?"

"Um, I think most of the time they are, and I took two of them, both being positive."

"And I assume it could also be Ashton's because you were fucking him at the same time."

"Correct. The same day actually."

"You fucked both of us in the same day? That's some Eliana behavior."

"Oh shut up, Austin. You're one to talk. And you more so fucked me than I fucked you."

"What do you mean?"

"You made out with me & Eliana in the same night."

"Yeah, but I didn't fuck you both in the same night."

"Same difference."

"Are you keeping it?"

"Yeah. I'm keeping it. It's a miracle I even got pregnant with being told my chances are low. I've always dreamt of having my own baby someday, and if I can have this work out, I'm going to do it. I never know if I'll ever be able to get pregnant again."

"I guess that makes sense. If I am the father, I want to be apart of its life."

"You do?"


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