Chapter 15

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"Vic, will you stop messing up?! This is like take two hundred!" Austin raises his voice a bit at Victoria as they're trying to make a video stating they're current situation.

"I'm sorry! I'm just nervous! And this is not the two hundredth take. Don't be so dramatic." she responds.

"Don't you think I'm nervous, too? Also, I'm not being dramatic."

"Whatever you say, Aus."

"Alright, let's get it right this time. We don't have all day, you know. We have to go reshoot that scene in like an hour."

"I know, I know."

Austin goes to press record on his phone again & Vic takes a deep breath.

"Hello, everybody!" Austin starts off with a greeting. "I know I don't ever post on social media, but there are a couple of things my co-star and I need to talk about."

"As you all have seen, I'm sure, are photos & videos of Austin and I out in public a LOT. We know there are rumors going around about us being together, and that I am cheating on Ashton. Neither of which are true."

"Victoria & I are not together, but we are co-stars in our upcoming film "The Last Time", which will be out next spring, or summer. And we are also, co-parents."

"Yes, co-stars & co-parents, because we are having a baby together. We will not go into details on how it happened, but we needed to clear up the rumors. You have seen us out quite a bit as we're starting to plan the nursery, doctor appointments, and all that. Ashton is supportive of my decision to keep the baby, and for Austin and I to raise it together."

"I hope you all can support us in this decision. Thanks for listening if you made it this far. We'll talk to y'all very soon."

"Bye!" Vic ends the video.

"Finally." Austin says with a sigh of relief.

"Now, can you post it or do we have to get Kate's approval first?"

"We have to get her approval first, then she'll tell us to post or redo."

"Hopefully we won't have to redo."

"Yeah, that was torture."

"Oh, shut up. I couldn't help it."

"You ready to go to the studio?" Austin asks her.

"Yeah, we should get going."

On the way to the studio...

"Did you tell Ashton about the gender?" Austin asked.

"Yeah, he's really excited about it."

"Did you tell him about you moving in with me soon?"

Victoria was quiet.

"You didn't tell him." Austin said, knowing the answer.

"No, I haven't yet." Vic responds.

"You we're supposed to tell him, Vic! I'm literally prepping your room to be painted the color you picked out."

"I know, I know. I just haven't found the right time yet."

"Well, do you know when that's going to be?"

"I don't know. He's been so busy. I barely see him."

"I thought you said he makes time for you."

"He does, but not enough."

"I don't know, Vic. Like I said at the doctors. I feel like if he loved you as much as he says he does, he'd schedule his studio time better to be there for you more."

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