A Power Reborn (Zarda Shelton, aka Power Princess)

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"Hey... Hyperion?" The Amazing Spider-Man, the heroic persona behind Peter Parker, asked with slight uncertainty. He was looking at the four powered humans in front of the two, looking at them with fierce and determined faces. He was all for it to help Hyperion with this task, but the fact that the sole female of the opposing team was looking at him with a lustful gaze made him shiver in fright. "Are you sure that the two of us will be able to handle this?"

"Of course" Spider-Man hummed softly, glancing at the hero beside him. He could definitely see the aura of confidence around Hyperion. But there was something else and Spider-Man was not able to identify it, even with all the glances he had been doing today. He couldn't get a read on Hyperion's behavior as of late, the feeling that they had something to a friendship between the two, even with having almost no interaction with each other, almost baffled him. Though he was not going to question it if the man got him out of this alive. "I trust you with my life, my friend. It is why I need your help to reform the Squadron Supreme"

"Alright then... If you say so'' Spider-Man just shrugged his shoulders, his body preparing itself out of instinct. He crouched slightly, his fist in front as he looked towards his opponents. He could probably deal with Nighthawk and possibly Power Princess. But he knew that they way that the way the three males of the group were glaring at Hyperion, it was sure to safe that he was going to face Power Princess alone. That scared him a bit and it was the almost crazed look that she had right now. "How about you-"

"Get your head on the game, little spider~" His eyes opened wide as he immediately back flipped, avoiding the hook kick that Zarda had just done. He positioned his arms in front of him, blocking the dangerous punch from the woman which sent him flying back quite a bit. He steeled up his sight on the female that was already rushing towards him, her featured sword already in hand. "You wouldn't want to be cut ahead of your game, right?"

"Haha, very funny Wonder Woman wannabe" The arachnid hero joked, trying to annoy her as fast as he could. Thinking about it, Zarda Shelton really looked like the comic character he was referencing. "Maybe you should use the Lasso of Truth to bring me in" He jumped back a bit before his Spider-Sense warned him about something. He twisted his body mid air, avoiding a chain that wanted to grab him. "But yet again, why would you need a glowy rope when you have a chain, right?"

"Be silent, bug!" Zarda yelled at him, her sword swinging towards him. He outsmarted her, dropping to the floor and just starting to use his legs to destabilize her footwork. It managed to work momentaneously, as a single swipe of his right leg managed to bring Power Princess down on her knee. "I will not be defeated by you! I was the one who defeated the King in Black!"

"For the record, that was Venom when-" He evaded yet another swing of the sword, but the chain managed to grab his wrist. He opened his eyes, looking just how smug Zarda looked. "This is gonna hurt, isn't it?" The only response he got from the woman was the pull of the chain. Fortunately for him, he knew just how to move his body while in the air. All the costume swings he does through the city of New York came to handy just for this. He twisted his body backward while in the air, arching his spine slightly to just barely evade the tip of the sword. Before he spun and managed to kick the woman without restraint. "For you!"


"Oh... I forgot to restrain myself, didn't I?" He looked ahead a bit, seeing the unconscious figure of the woman who had tried to kill him more than twice in less than an hour. He really hoped that after the four remaining Squadron Supreme members get exercised, that she would be a bit easier to manage.

Time Skip

Zarda Shelton, better known as Power Princess, started to wake up with a throbbing headache. It felt as if Hyperion had hit her with his entire strength and then some. She opened her eyes slowly, looking around and finding herself in a completely unknown place. She raised her brow, trying to figure out where she was. She stood up, her hand on her head for about a second before she lowered her hand and started to walk slowly towards the door.

"Zarda? Man is it great to see you awake!" She rolled her eyes at Blur's words, but she had a small smile on her face. It seems that whatever was controlling her was out and she couldn't be happier for it. It was weird knowing that she had no control of her actions. "Hyperion and Spidey are back there talking, Nighthawk and the doctor are still fast asleep"

"Thank you, Stanley..." She voiced, her eyes looking just how the speedster ran away from her view. She sighed a bit, walking once again as she tried to think why was Spider-Man here with Hyperion. She soon found herself in a large area, immediately catching on to how Mark was talking with the arachnid hero.

"Wait... So I was your biggest fan in the reality that Coulson created?" She blinked, recognizing the voice that was coming out of the arachnid's mouth. It may be a bit far-fetched, but she could have sworn that the voice belonged to that reporter that was always behind Hyperion trying to interrogate him.

"Yes, you even- Oh, Zarda... You're awake" She nodded, her eyes squinted a bit as she noticed that Spider-Man flinched. She was a bit confused, still looking at the arachnid hero who avoided her sight. She was confused, his actions leaving her wanting to know more about what really happened. "Seems you recuperated from what was happening and from the concussion Spidey gave you"

"Oh..." Zarda was impressed if she was honest, her eyes now critically analyzing the male hero in red and blue. She had to admit, she did not expect much from the hero. But to know that she received a concussion from the man, made her reevaluate her initial thought. "It was because of you that I had that massive headache... Nicely done, Spider-Man"

"N-No problem?" She smirked at his hesitancy to answer her words. It further made her interested in the man that Spider-Man was. Maybe some simulated battles between the two were to take place. She would love to actually train with a man as talented as him.

"We should definitely battle once again" She added, her smirk widening quite a bit as she noticed the shiver that ran through the body of the arachnid. She was loving each single reaction that the man was making. It gave way to her teasing nature that she would always hide. "A friendly spar, of course"

"Maybe we should-"

"Perfect!" She interrupted him, grabbing him in a fireman carry and walking away. She was not going to allow the man to try and scurry his way out of what she wanted. And what she wanted was to spar with the man. It was the way she knew of getting to know someone else, hailing from the secret Island of Utopia did that to her. "Let's find a place to spar with each other"

She ignored his pleas of not wanting to face her in any kind of fighting. She was going to force him to fight her, whether he wanted to or not. She gained a pink hue on her cheeks as she began to question what kind of spars they could do. She laughed a bit as she felt the shiver the man had through her hold on him. She was enjoying his reactions, and she couldn't wait to enjoy the spars they will have against each other.

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