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Finding our seats for the ceremony didn't take us very long. I sat between Sarah and Ruben in the front.

"Thank you. Thank you! Okay... Hi, everybody. Welcome to Camp Spirit Thunder!" Pepper exclaimed making everyone applaud while she smiled and continued, "This year, we're so proud to welcome a new member of our family, okay? Give a big spirit welcome to our new choreographer, Chicago." With that she called up another woman who stood near the microphone and pulled on a whistle, silencing us when our cheers got too loud for her.

"All right, all eyes on me. Now, I want you all to remember this gorgeous face, 'cause it will haunt you in your sleep. Now, I believe in hard work. Winning knows no pain. So, when I say jump, I wanna hear, "How high?" Now jump."

"How high?" We all chorused together making her clap impressed.

"That's what I'm talking about. Don't hate the player, baby." She then walked off pointing to Pepper to return back to speaking. Sarah put an arm on my shoulder before whispering to where only Ruben and I would hear, "Okay, seriously, Cheerzilla is a little scary."

"She's not that bad..." I admitted making her shrug as Ruben gasped feigning offence. He put a hand on his chest leaning across from me to talk to Sarah, "What? I love her! She's the kind of black woman that gay men emulate. She's amazing."

"Welcome your cheer-tastic 2008 Spirit Thunder instructors!" Pepper welcomed the staff from Camp Spirit Thunder with all of us putting our hands together for the instructors as they performed a routine.

"Aren't they wonderful?" The instructors stood in a line holding the spirit stick before two of the instructors went forward to hand it to her as she lifted it up for all to see. "And now, as you know, we have a very special tradition here at Camp Spirit Thunder. This spirit stick was given to me by the father of cheerleading himself, Herkie Herkimer. It embodies the heart and the soul of cheerleading, and it brings back the luck of the cheer spirits. So, each team will be able experience its powerful aura for one night."

Clapping could be heard from all around the arena causing Pepper to grin. I noticed Carson gazing at the floor with a dreamlike expression on her face and told Ruben to nudge Ayesha so she could notice.

No one spoke other than Pepper once again, "That's right. And last year's winners of the Championships will have the honor first, the East Coast Jets." No one on the West Coast Sharks clapped and I crossed my arms over my chest furrowing my brows when I saw Brooke push one of the male cheerleaders up to the stands with a smirk instead of her getting it herself as she's usually done.

Noticing her to turn to glance at us, I looked away unaware of her gazing at me in confusion. "Now, just a warning. Lose the stick and you will face the wrath of the cheer gods. I once knew a cheerleader who misplaced the stick for just one day and she broke her leg doing a simple toe touch. So, guard it with your lives."

As the Jets male cheerleader collected the stick, I heard Carson gasp in surprise making me look at her curiously.

"Words shorty, use your words." Ayesha repeatedly said as my sister groaned and looked about ready to burst into tears at any moment. "Carson are you alright?" I asked making her shake her head. "Him. Abs, Penn!" She placed a hand on her forehead.

"Oh sweetie. You know a cheer crip can't be hitting it with a cheer blood." Ayesha reminded taking her hand off my sisters' shoulder looking at her in amusement.

"All right. Everybody have a fun and safe week here at Camp Spirit Thunder!" Pepper announced making everyone give a standing ovation before most teams left. We all followed Carson when we noticed her walking up towards the male cheerleader who she said was Penn, with the East Coast Jets walking towards us but going behind him as well.

"You're a Jet?" she asked dumbfounded by his apparently so surprising identity.

Penn lowered and raised his head up slightly unsure of why she cared, "Yeah. Well that's a trip huh?"

"What? That I was a male cheerleader? Sure, that's a real panty-dropper..." Penn chuckled before realizing that no one on our team thought it to be funny. "Sorry, look I didn't mean any-"

"Did Brooke tell you to play me?" Carson questioned putting her hand up as she cut him off from trying to take back his previous statement. Brooke laughed glancing at my sister in fake sympathy, "Sucks to be you huh?"

"Carson, I didn't know you were a cheerleader. Look... and what's the big deal? I'm a Jet. So what?"

Looking at Penn in disbelief, Carson scoffed before exclaiming, "So what?! I cannot have an inter-cheerracial relationship!"

I giggled at her statement before putting my hand over my mouth to try and stifle my laughter when Ayesha gave me a look. I knew it wasn't the time to laugh but I found it funny at how quick Carson was to think that they'd be dating to begin with. The argument was soon interrupted by everyone's phone ringing. Chelsea opened her phone and spoke to it only to be given a look by Brooke that no one was actually calling her.

"Greetings, Camp Spirit Thunder. Looking very forward to seeing you at the Championships. We've got a secret weapon this year. Say, Pepper? How many of your kids can throw a roundoff, back handspring double-fold twist? Oh, none? Meet the new and improved Flamingos. See you at the- "

We all closed our phones to ignore whatever else Vance, the owner of Camp Victory had to say.

"The Flamingos? They can barely stand on one leg." Brooke confessed looking back at her team.

"Did you not just watch the video that we watched or are you delusional?" I scoffed making Ruben laugh as she turned to me with a glare. Chelsea grabbed her arm before she could move forward, and Sarah stood in front of me to block Brooke from my viewpoint.

"Everybody, it is all right. Vance Vorhees is just trying to psych us out. Okay? And it didn't work last year, and it's not gonna work this year." Pepper calmly spoke into the microphone addressing the cheer teams that were still in the arena and panicking over the latest message we received.

"We always win. Nothing's gonna stop us this week." Brooke confirmed as if reassuring her team before I spoke making her turn to us.

"Except the Sharks." I reminded making my team smirk as Carson stepped closer to Brooke with a nod of recognition at my words. "Yeah besides your little trick's not gonna work, Brooke. Making sure I knew Penn was a Jet makes it that much easier to resist him."

"Ouch..." Penn started as Carson turned to him, "I'm no player but I thought I actually had a little bit of some game."

"Sorry Penn, but I only got one thing on my mind and that is crushing your squad."

"Not even in your dreams Carson." Brooke sneered as Carson smiled smugly.

"We're done here." My sister announced walking away as we all followed her. Brooke waved us off before I turned around and flipped her off making her grin in response. Rolling my eyes, I pulled Sarah so we could go to our hotel room and sleep before tomorrow's early workshop.

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