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Our second practice went extremely well. Once it ended, we wound up at a Hawaiian-themed night event for all of the cheer teams. Sitting at a table making small talk with Chelsea and Ayesha our attention was soon diverted to someone else, as we all noticed Sarah come up to us with a milk carton.

"Pepper has lost her mind." Ruben said showing us the carton that had a "Missing" sign on it with the spirit stick image underneath. Pepper was starting to go through lots of methods to attempt to retrieve her freaking stick back and it was a bit humiliating for us Sharks to see each new attempt because it felt as if it was our fault that it had been gone and possibly stolen to even begin with.

I shook my head in disbelief as I took the carton and stared at him, "I'm surprised she hasn't decided to take it it even further."

"I honestly think she put out an Amber Alert, too." Sarah joked as Ruben and I looked at her with wide eyes. Before we could respond in denial to that, Sarah took out her phone and demonstrate the saved Amber Alert that she indeed received mentioning Pepper's stick.

"Man, I'd love to know who took it." Carson sighed putting her head on her hand while looking to the side. "I would so love to have a damn conversation with them right about now."

"Maybe it was Vance." I shrugged as they all looked at me blankly like if I had said the most incredulous thing ever. "I'm serious!" Everyone continued to stare at me causing a look of offense to etch onto my features, "Oh come on! Look, Vance obviously wants to win so bad against Pepper it would make sense."

Sarah shook her head before gesturing towards the Prairie Dogs table, "Nah, I smell P-Dog."

"No," Ruben said putting on a hat from the table. "I bet it was the Flamingos."

Brooke suddenly turned in her seat to face us, putting a hand in the air to stop anyone else from speaking. "Look, either way, let's just hope the curse is done. We need all the help we can get. Arguing over who could've done it isn't going to help us in the end."

"You know what? I can't believe that I'm saying this right now but Brooke's right. Let's practice our routine one more time." Carson announced getting annoyed looks in return. We all picked up a bread roll from the table before throwing at her making her squeal as she threw us an offended look before laughing.

Once we were done eating, everyone dispersed and went their own ways to enjoy the night. I decided to sit above the rocks that wasn't too far from the event being held. I had started to feel claustrophobic so I left in hopes of having a moment with myself. It wasn't long before someone joined me though

"Bet I can cheer you up?" Brooke said with a smile as she pulled herself up the rock denying any help from me when I offered her a hand. "Don't be a wad, Grace. What's wrong?"

"Excuse me?"

"You looked sad. I was concerned, I know I must be insane to actually care but what the hell." She shrugged making me laugh.

I ran a finger through my hair before facing her to answer her earnestly, "I'm not upset Brooke but thank you for asking. I'm just thinking about earlier. I was also feeling a bit crowded with everyone over there."

"Oh, well you never answered me about earlier?" Brooke blurted out as she looked down at her hands on her lap. "And are you okay now?"

"Yes I'm fine but answering you for the former question, what about Penn?"

"Penn doesn't make me smile like you do. Shit, I can't even think of anyone right now when all I see is your face and hear your laugh on my freaking mind on constant loop. It's like an annoying radio station that I can't turn off." She said placing a hand over my own that laid on the rock we sat on. It took all of my willpower to not kiss her right now, especially with the way she was looking at me.

"Brooke..." I spoke with a softened expression giving her hand a squeeze.

"I like you, Grace. Like a lot," Brooke said, her brows starting to furrow as if she were focused. Which she was, on me at that. "As gross as this may sound, you are the one who believed in me most. You are truly the most amazing person that I've ever met Grace. I'm a dumbass for not letting myself admit that sooner, or for letting myself get to know you when you dumped the cold water on me last year."

"It wasn't even cold," I rolled my eyes and Brooke stifled a small laugh at my response. "But I like you too Brooke. Couldn't even lie about it if I tried."

She started to tear up with a soft smile and that was my breaking point. I suddenly had pressed my lips against hers, almost knocking the air out of her lungs as I caught her by surprise. It didn't take her very long to realize what was happening but when she finally came to her senses, she deepened the kiss causing smiles to appear on both of our faces. When she broke it off, I leaned my forehead against hers, staring into her gorgeous green eyes with a soft stare as she did the same.

"I wonder if they're still giving out food because I'm kind of hungry. You think they still have food out for us?" I asked suddenly causing us to both laugh as she pulled me along while we made our way back to the tables trying to suppress our smiles from showing.

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