Chapter I - Linked Again!

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Notes -

Na'vi - Hello

Monologue - Hello

Onto the Story -

I was flying through the skies my name is Padme Windward Locks.... I flew in the skies I turned back to a girl smiling she smiled back happily " hey! "

that dream felt so real. And I wish it didn't end...

But sooner or later you have to wake up

" huh? Are we there yet? " I asked tiredly " we're there Dream girl! " she said I got out of the Cryo I walked across the hall I looked up seeing someone who looked familiar but I quickly realized it wasn't him " hello! " I said he turned to me " hi! " he said back " your Jake Sully right? " I asked he nodded confused " I'm Scarlet. Well actually that is what my friends call me. My real name is Padme Locks! It's nice to meet you, Jake! " I said extending my hand he shook it " you knew my brother? " he asked.

" yeah me and him went in training together.... " I said thinking about you " well. I have to go. I have to go I hope to see you again! " I said running off
" Dr. Max! " I said he turned confused " Scarlet! It's good to see you again how you've been kid? " he asked pulling away from the hug Max was always like a father figure to me " good. Is Grace here? " I asked " yes. We'll see her later she's out there right now! " he said I nodded " how is my Avatar doing? You've been taking care of her have you? " I asked walking towards her placing my hand on the glass smiling.

" she's been good she's grown since the last time you were here. " he said " will I get to take her out
again? " I asked " yes... you'll be able too in a few hours I'll let you know as soon as possible. " he said I nodded then walked towards seeing Jake and Norm with Grace " Norm! " I said he turned confused then smiled " Scarlet! " he said hugging me I smiled laughing " hello, kid. How have you've been? " Grace said I pulled from the hug smiling at her
" great... I have been waiting to return here. To see you again to show how much I've learned! " I said excitedly.

She smiled " your speaking has improved greatly.... better than Norm's! " she said
" hey, now... that's just.... " Norm said I giggled looking at him as Jake just stared between me and Norm extremely confused " don't worry Norm maybe I can teach you and help you in your speaking... " I said putting my arms around him he rolled his eyes walking away I smiled at him
" umm... Grace this is Jake Sully! " Dr Max said she turned to Jake.

" yeah I know who you are and I don't need you! " she said " I need your brother. You know, the PhD who trained for this mission for three years for this mission? " she said I looked down " he's dead. " Jake said " I know its a big inconvenience for everyone. " he said I looked at him sad " how much lab training have you had? " she asked " I dissected a frog once. " he said I turned to him rolling my eyes " well. This guy is gonna die... " I said turning around sighing he looked at me...

" you see? " Grace asked I turned to her curious of what she had to say " You see? I mean, they're just pissing on us without even the courtesy of calling it rain. " she said she turned leaving " I'm going to Selfridge. " she said " no, Grace, I don't think that's a good idea. " Dr Max said chasing after her " No, man this is such bullshit! " she said walking away " I'm gonna kick his corporate butt. He has no business sticking his nose in my department. " she said Dr Max came to us.

" here tomorrow, 0800. Try and use big words. " he said to Jake the next morning we went to the Link Room I followed her excitedly to link with my Avatar again " so, how much link time have you logged? " she asked " about 520 hours. " Norm said " 630 hours! " I said Norm looked at me shocked " that's good. " she said " you know where you are Scarlet. " she said I nodded going to my link then open it Dr Max helped me close I closed my eyes letting my mind go blank.

Once I opened my eyes I was outside in the barn I went out " Nurse! Your Avatar is looking good! " Grace said in her Avatar I turned to her my tail waving around I giggled the last time I have used my Avatar body was when I was at least 9 I never been able to see her again until I was re-recruited by Grace into her mission " it's been so long since I used her last. " I said looking at my arms I smiled
" wanna go see how the others are holding up? " she asked I nodded following her.

" hey, Marine! " Grace said Jake looked at us
" Damn... " he said we walked towards him
" Grace? " he asked looking her " well, who'd you expect, numbnuts? " she asked I stopped smiling at him he turned me " Scarlet? " he asked I giggled nodding my head I picked a Utumauti " catch! " I said tossing it to him he caught it " motor control's looking good. " Grace said I smiled at her then turned to Jake seeing him eat the fruit he chuckled I chuckled at his reaction to the fruit.

" check it out! " Norm said we turned my ears twisted curiously " I am a living god! " he said doing a pose then laughed I smiled " look at this! " he said looking at himself " this is a amazing! " he said walking towards us then fell I chuckled at his excitement remembering my first time in my Na'vi form " ok, I'm good! " he said Grace chuckled too Jake looked down it was getting dark so we went to the shed " come on, everybody, quiet down! " Grace said I went to my bed which was in the corner I sat down " all right, gang, lights out. " she said " come on, Louise, chop-chop! " Grace said " hey, hey, hey! " someone said I saw Jake playing with the Tswin.

" don't mess with that Jake they are sensitive! " I said taking his arm putting it down " she's right you know... you'll go blind! " Grace said behind us I turned to her " that's kinda freaky. " he said
" they are important though. " I said he looked at me
" what are they for? " He asked " that is for Tsaheylu... the bond. To bond with the creatures.... " I said looking at him then rolled around " come on, scat! " Grace said I looked at the wall then fell asleep.

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