Chapter III - Palulukan

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we ran I was frightened I realized it was Jake he dragged me under a tree trunk holding onto me protectively then shot at the Palulukan and we started running again Jake fell " Jake! Come on! " I said trying to help him up then he got pulled up by the Palulukan " JAKE! " I screamed terrified I looked around for something.

I hit the Palulukan with a log he dropped Jake and turned towards I dropped the log terrified the Jake grabbed my hand and started running pulling me along with him then we started falling I got up out of the water " Jake? " I asked " JAKE!? " I screamed
" over here! " he yelled I ran to him he was cutting a stick making a spear we walked around sticking together " are you alright? " he asked me looking at me I nodded " your bleeding. " he said looking at my side " I am fine Jake. " I said he looked at me then down.

I stood behind he rolled his jacket in a strange stuff I stayed watched I didn't have any weapons on me though " Jake, what are you doing? " I asked him he did not answer me though I heard noises my twisted as I turned around looking I knew it was the Nantang it must have been a pack of them I saw one come up curiously towards me I extended my hand towards her she brushed against it I smiled chuckling.

Then there was fire behind me I screamed a little bit realized it was Jake he came in front of me scaring off the female Nantang " Jake, no wait! " I said
" I don't have all goddamn night, come on! Come
on! " he said " Jake, listen to me! They aren't! - " I said tugging his arm he swinger the fire stick I screamed ducking it he attack the Nantang " Jake, quit it! " I screamed then one was shot I turned seeing a beautiful Na'vi women I gasped frightened by her.

She shot more the Nantang and chase them away hissing at them I looked at her sorroful
" Na! These demons! " she said then threw the fire into the creek " hey, wait. Don't! " Jake said I held him back he scoffs at me " great. " he said staring at me I walked to the wounded Nantang the women looked at me curiously The Nantang whimpers in pain " Oeru txoa livu. Ma oeyä tsmukan, ma oeyä tsmukan. " I said she bend down to me loooking at me I ended his suffering closing my eyes " your spirit runs with Eywa now. Forgive me brother. " I said placing my hand on his head.

" how do you know Na'vi? " she asked me " Grace has taught me. Dr Grace Augustine. " I said " what is your name? " she asked " Padme. But my friends call me Scarlet. " I said " you? " I asked " Neytiri. " she said then got up helping me up " you are wounded. " she said seeing my cut " come... I'll take you to the Hometree to get healed. " she said " why are you helping me? " I asked she stopped turning to me.

" why help you? " she asked I nodded " because you are not like the other Sky people we have seen. You have a kind and gentle heart. Unlike this Moron over there. Who is stupid. And Ignorant like a child. " she said staring at her I couldn't help but giggled at her comment of Jake " what's going on. What's she saying? " he asked me I giggled more I totally forgot he didn't understand Na'vi I turned moving away from them laughing as they spoke she hit him upside the head and walked off.

" come, Scarlet. " she said pulling me by my hand
" not. You! Go back! " she told Jake then Atokirina flew beside us some landing on Jake he slapped it away I hissed " No Jake! " I yelled Neytiri spoke in Na'vi to him then a few more landed on me I smiled
" whoa. " Jake said looking at me his body had a few on him but mine was cover Neytiri looked at me in awe smiling " what are they? " Jake asked " seeds of the Sacred Tree. " she said " these are very Pure Spirits Jake. " I said.

" uh-huh! " Jake said he chuckled a bit they flew off of us I gesture I See You to them as they flew off I smiled " What was that all about? " Jake asked Neytiri whispered something in Na'vi I couldn't here
" come. " she said I turned to her she pulled him
" come! " she said to me I followed close to her
" where are we going? " he asked " to the village. " I woke in hope.

I haven't been there since I was 8 I jumped across the tiny river we waited for Jake as he played with the plants " come! " she told him " hurry Jake! " I said he did we ran across the tree " what's your name? " he asked then I fell I screamed I saw something tied my legs I hit the ground " Scarlet! " Jake yelled worried I slowly lifted up then looked up seeing hunters come in.

Jake came to me untying me and crouched beside me protecting me I looked around I saw one of my old friends it was Atan I knew him because I went to Grace's school I looked around also seeing his friend Tsu'tey and I saw a very beautiful Na'vi woman she pointed her bow at Jake and stared at me in awe Jake stood lifting his friends I held my side still feeling the blood drip.

I looked up again at the beautiful woman she looked around my age if not a bit older by two or three years
I smiled at her as she was still staring at me
" calm people, calm! " Neytiri told them I still stared at the woman I looked down blushing a bit Jake turned to me and looked at what I was staring at then back to he smirked laughing a bit I glared up at him angry a bit.

Tsu'tey saw me he looked surprised to see me but shrugged it off and walked towards us " what are you doing, Tsu'tey? " Neytiri asked he looked from me turning to her " these demons are forbidden here. " he said I looked up at him
" The Girl has been Injured! " Neytiri said he looked at me seeing my side bleeding " and there has been a sign. This is a matter for the Tsahik. " she said he turned towards her shocked
" bring him. Get her on the Pa'li! " Tsu'tey said.

One of them gently helped me up " what's going on? Scarlet! " Jake said seeing me being placed on the Pa'li " Atan! " I said hugging him so I don't fall
" we will get you help. " he said I nodded
" thank you... " I said.

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