Chapter IV - Omticaya

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Scarlet POV -

we arrived there we traveled to the " look where you are. " Atan said I looked up I smiled seeing the Hometree I saw the people look at me and Jake I saw Tsu'tey already with Eytukan and Eytukan looked at me and Jake Atan stopped his Pa'li next to him " father... I See You. " Neytiri said
" I see you, Eytukan. " I said.

He came towards us " this creature. Why you bring him here? And what of her? " he asked
" I was going to kill him... but there was a sign from Eywa. And Scarlet has been badly injured! " she said " I have said... no dreamwalker will come here. " he said I hid my face into Atan back shoulder his eyes turn to me
" are you alright? " he asked " I feel week... " I said.

" my father is deciding wether or not to kill you. " Neytiri said I turned my head towards them
" your father. It's nice to meet you sir. " Jake said
" No! Jake! " I said everyone held him back
" step back! " someone said " I will look at this alien. " Mo'at said coming " I see you, Mo'at! " I greeted her " Atan, bring her to the healers! " she said seeing my wound he did " this girl needs help. " he told one of them the gently pulled my off the Pa'li.

Taking me inside " I'll come back after. " he told me I nodded he left " this may sting. " one of them said " if it heals. That's all that matters. " I said she nodded putting her hand on my shoulder pressing the cloth against my wound I yelped in pain after cleaning my wound she wrapped a bandage around me my stomach " thank you. " I said she nodded " here we made you this! " one of them said I nodded at her " thank you! It's beautiful! " I said.

I it on " come it's time for dinner! " Atan said I nodded we went " Mo'at instructed me to train you from now since Neytiri will be training Jake and Tsu'tey is busy with other two young warriors. " he said I nodded we went to dinner he told me to sit next to two people it was the woman from earlier one of the hunters she stared at me I looked down blushing " hello! " someone said I looked up it was her " hi... " I said.

Atan came back with two leafs with food I looked at him " thanks! " I said he nodded crouching down beside the other guy " I am Saeyla. " the woman said I turned her " Padme. But my friends call me Scarlet. " I said smiling I saw Atan smirking st the guy he shared the same expression with Atan chuckling a bit silently " what are you laughing about? " Saeyla asked the guy " nothing to worry about! " the guy said he turned to me.

" I am Ka'ani! " he said " Scarlet. " I said he nodded then went back to eating Atan took me along the branches " you are here! " he said pointing to a hammock I clmibed in he went to one a few hammocks away I saw Saeyla jogging alon the branch getting into the one next to me she moved her hand the hammock closing as it followed she turned my way and saw me she stared smiling blushing a bit I smiled I looked down sleeping.

" Scarlet! " I heard " Scarlet! " the voice repeated it sounded like Jake " Kid! " Grace said I opened my eyes " there you go kid. " she said I smiled " Grace your not gonna believe where we are! " I said happily
" is your avatar safe? " she asked concerned " yes. Wounded on the side but she is saved and healed! " I said.

We went to dinner " the last thing we see is this Nurse and Marine's ass disappearing into the brush with this angry Thanator coming after him. " Grace said everyone laughed I thought about Saeyla she was so beautiful I loved her I smiled at the thought I blushed " hey, it's not something you can teach. " Jake said " that is awesome. " Dr Max said I looked at Norm " you ok? " I asked he nodded.

" you know, for reasons I cannot fathom, the Omaticaya have chosen you. God help us all. " Grace  said the men laughed I walked down the hallway
" Scar! " I heard I turned " Tru! " I said smiling
" we've been worried about you out there. " she said
" I'm glad your safe! " she said I smiled " I know that look! " she said " what look? " I asked confused
" don't play dumb Scar. " she said walking beside
" you have a crush on someone. " she said " no...? " I said " and there you go denying it. " she said sighing.

" who is it? " she asked " ok, ok, fine! She's a Na'vi! " I said she looked at me smiling " and Her name is Saeyla! " I said " hope to meet her someday. " she said I giggled next morning we went to the link room again I was excited to see her again " Okay, let's run through them again. " Grace said " Mo'at. Dragon Lady. " Jake said " Mo'at, Tsahik. " I said " Eytucan. " he said " Eytukan! The clan leader! " I said " but she is the spiritual leader like a shaman. " Grace added.

" T'su'tey. " he said I looked at him scoffing
" Tsu'tey! " I said he looked at me " what? " I asked confused " he'll be the next clan leader. " I said
" Neytiri. " he said holding the tablet " she'll be the next Tsahik. " Grace said " they become a mated pair. " she said he slipped through the tablet
" Saeyla! " I said before him taking  the tablet " hey! " he said Norm laughed. 

" so you have a crush on this girl? " Norm asked I stared at him rolling my eyes " she's a young hunter under Tsu'tey. " Grace said I turned to her I looked at Saeyla picture she looked so beautiful " who's Eywa? " Jake asked I turned to him shocked " who's Eywa?!? " I asked " only their deity. Their goddess, made up of all living things. Everything they know! " Norm said " you'll know this if you had any training whatsoever. " he said.

I got in my link " who's got a date with the chief's daughter? " Jake asked " oh, come on. That's... " Norm said " all right, knock it off, you two. " I heard Grace said I closed my link letting my mind go blank
" hey! " Atan said I opened my eyes " ready? " he asked I nodded we went to a clearing I saw Saeyla and Ka'ani there Saeyla waved to me I smiled waving back Atan smirked at me " you like her? " he asked " aren't we supposed to be training? " I asked he nodded.

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