Chapter VI - Ikran

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( Scarlet Ikran up top )


Everyday Atan says I'm getting better

I ran across the branches behind him he fell onto the leafs I did the same he nodded " you doing good! " he said " it is you are doing better. " I said " you are doing... better. " he said

Atan is still having trouble with our language but he is getting better at it too...

Just have to remind him a few times!

I pleaded to Mo'at about letting Grace back into the village again.

I watched Grace with children I smiled.

Grace was happy to be back.

" come. " Saeyla said to me bringing me to it was night she brought me to a river everything glowed
" this is a scared place none of my people know about it. " she said " you are the first I've showed this to! " she said I saw Kenten's fly I giggled she chuckled my reaction then I saw Atokirina' fly down towards us a few landing on me I turned to Saeyla carefully she smiled we went swimming in the river it was beautiful.

Saeyla keeps showing me all of these amazing things about the forest and....


I love it out there!

Saeyla helped me with the bow she shaped my position I realized how close she was to me I blushed looking at her she looked up at me curiously and smiled blushing to later it was night we followed Atan he stopped by the A'o gently pulling it down letting the water flow into his mouth.

I'm trying to understand my connection with the forest and The Na'vi People...

I did the same.

But really....

One of the people have died I placed a Atokirina' on her body

I can't.

Saeyla made her first kill Atan came to her she looked at him " you are ready. " he said.

I just feel like.... I am so....

Atan ear twisted he looked up from the tracks turning to me letting his hand up gesturing to follow him.

lost when I think about it.

I saw a Hexapede I pulled my bow and remembering what Saeyla told me I released it and I came towards the Hexapede it was whimpering " I See You, My Brother.... and I thank you! " I told the Hexapede ending his suffering " your spirit goes with Eywa. Your body stays behind. To become part of our people! " I said Atan crouched down Beside Saeyla watched " A Clean Kill! " he said I looked up at him " you too are ready. " he said I turned to Saeyla she had a smile already looking at me she looked down.

We rode our Pa'li onto the mountains I looked up I shook my head giggling amazed I saw Tsu'tey turned to me I got off my Pa'li she whined and tried to bite I backed up and she ran off I heard laughing I turn seeing Ka'ani his Pa'li nudged him almost making him fall off the cliff I giggled " Come! " Tsu'tey commanded Saeyla and Ka'ani went.

I watched " Scarlet this is a very dangerous task. In order to complete of you finally becoming one with our people. " Atan told me in a calm almost like whisper I nodded " ready warrior? " Tsu'tey Asked me placing his hand over my chest I nodded we climbed the rocks I jumped up next to Tsu'tey on his left " Oehu. " Tsu'tey said as I slowly rosed up smiling happily I looked around Saeyla jumped up beside me " now what? " Jake asked " Latsi! " Tsu'tey yelled as he jumped onto the vine I smiled looking at Jake then jumped onto the vine climbing up.

I heard Neytiri whooping I turned smiling seeing her fly around us I gesture to her I See You she smiled back doing the same placing her hand hand on her chest I smiled we ran on the vines into a tunnel to the cliff Saeyla crouched down watching the Ikran I smiled happily watching them fly Saeyla came towards me I heard Neytiri exclaiming I turned Saeyla pulled me out of the way backing up.

I placed my hand over my chest nodding she smiled silently chuckling a bit before turning to Jake and Tsu'tey I saw Saeyla glared at her looking in between us " oel ngati kameie! " she told Tsu'tey he did the gesture back I heard Jake panting I turned to him
" Jakesully will go first! " Tsu'tey said snickering a bit.

Jake went handing his bow back Tsu'tey took it roughly I glared at him hope he doesn't treat my bow like that! I thought I loved my bow especially since it was a gift of the people and made from the bark of the Hometree.

Neytiri followed Jake " Scarlet... " Atan said I turned to him he walked a bit away from the others I followed I saw Tsu'tey looked at us curiously his head leaned back a little " after Jake you will be next. You must choose your Ikran they will also choose you. Remember our training for this? You must move quickly. " he whispers I nodded " you will have one chance. Scarlet. " he said placing his hand over my heart " only one chance you must be quick once they have found you. You must take the first flight quickly the first flight seals the bond! " he explained I nodded again I looked at the Ikrans Jake flying off Neytiri going to join him.

" it is your turn! Scarlet! " Tsu'tey said turning to me I nodded he took my bow more gently I looked back them seeing a worried Atan I walked through the Ikran I saw Saeyla jumped onto the edge watching me I walked I heard screeching I turned coming face to face with a beautiful Ikran a all yellow with greenish blue color I stared into her eyes she titled her head I saw out of the corner of my eye Atan crouching down towards me worried and curiously.

The Ikran screech and I hissed the fight began I tied her mouth as I jumped over her onto her back she flew off " SCARLET!!! " Saeyla screamed I grunted
" Mawey! Mawey! " I tired to calm the Ikran as I tried to make the bond she hit the ground I yelped painfully " Scarlet! " Jake yelled worried " Mawey! Sìltsan! " I tried again I created the bond finally
Atan ran to me " you must fly Scarlet the first flight seals the bond you mustn't wait! Go! Fly! " he said pushing us off " steady! " I told my Ikran we flew together I smiled giggling happily.

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