Chapter X - The War Camps

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I was fixing the bow that Saeyla gave me it was Atan's it got broken during the destruction of he Home Tree I heard whooping and yipping I turned seeing the people from all different clans.

" you are different from us. " I heard I turned shocked seeing none other than Ikeyni " I See You, Ikeyni. " I said " I See You, Young one. " she said " I am different from the Na'vi people. But that does not change anything I may look different but I am still one of you deep down. And will fight to protect our home. " I said she smiled " if your going to fight you need to fix your bow. And that's not how you fix it. " she said I looked at Atan bow and nodded she extended her hand out " here I can help. I am good with fixing bows. " she said I nodded then gave it to her she took it " give me an hour and it'll be fix again. Before our final fight. " she said I nodded
" thank you Ikeyni. " I said she nodded smiling then left.

I left to find Saeyla there many different people here from many clans we had the advantage we know Pandora with our hearts but Quartich and Selfridge don't I smiled at that thought " Scarlet! " I heard I turned seeing Tsu'tey " Ma Tsu'tey! " I said happily seeing him " everyone seems ready to fight. " I said seeing the people " yes. They do. " he said he turned to me " are you ready? " he asked me I nodded
" yes. Ready as I'll ever be. " I said.

" where is your bow? " he asked " Ikeyni has it she is fixing it properly. She offered herself. " I said " and I am grateful to her. " I said " I can imagine. " he said
" that bow means a lot to you. It was Atan first and last bow he used. " he said I looked down " I miss him. " I said " I do too. He was a dear friend. Now we fight to a avenge his death. And our fallen Brothers and Sisters. " he said placing his hand over my chest I looked up at him smiling nodding " for our people. " I said holding his wrist he nodded.

" where is Saeyla? " I asked " she is probably with her Ikran. Flying over the people making sure everything is alright. " he said I nodded I went to go find her I called my Ikran " Sìltsan Awa. " I told her I got on Awa " to Saeyla. " I said she flew off with a screech I found Saeyla on a mountain looking down I landed exclaiming.

Saeyla POV -

I looked down seeing the people then heard a exclaim I smiled turning " My Scarlet. " I said seeing her she got off of Awa she screech rubbing against Scarlet and Scarlet giggled looking at me peering Awa she walked towards me " what is wrong Ma Saeyla? " she asked me " nothing... " I tried to hide it she titled her head seeing straight past me " My Saeyla. " she said " I am worried is all. " I said turning she hugged me from behind.

" of what my love. You have nothing to worry of. " she said I turned to her " I am worried for you. " I said " for me? " she asked I nodded breathing in
" I am worried I will lose you. " I said " you have nothing to fear Saeyla. " she said I exhaled deeply
" You will not lose me. " she said I looked up at her my right ear going back " I am a mighty warrior like Tsu'tey. I will not lose especially to those filthy Sky Demons! " she said I giggled looking down she smiled " just... " she said I looked up at her seeing her worry now " ...just... promise me I will not.... " she tried I turned to her worriedly " lose you. " she finished " I am always with you My Scarlet you must understand that. You will never lose me. " I said she smiled.

We shared a kiss together " we must go back now to hear the plan. " she said I nodded we got on our Ikrans and flew off " Padme! " I heard I turned curiously to see none other than Ikeyni " Ikeyni! " Scarlet said " this was a bit difficult than others. But I managed to fix your bow just in time before the battle as promised. " she said jumping off her Ikran coming to us handing the bow to her " thank you, Ikeyni I owe you so much. You have no idea what this means to me. " Scarlet said I looked in between them confused Ikeyni saw me and turned to me " I See You, Ikeyni. " I said " I See You. " she said.

" Saeyla. " I replied " she is my mate. " Scarlet said " your mate? " Ikeyni asked confused " we were mated before Eywa. It is done. " I said happily Scarlet smiled looking at me " take care of each other. I hope to see you both well and alive after the final battle. You two have a future together. " she said me and Scarlet looked at each other then nodded at Ikeyni.

Scarlet POV -

After listening to Jake and Tsu'tey and Neytiri plan I went to see how the clans were holding up " hello. " I heard I turned seeing a pretty woman " hi. " I said
" I am Ey'yu. " she said " you know English? " I asked " how? " I asked curiously " I went to Grace Augustine school. You? " she asked " I am a Sky Person but no longer because I'm a true Na'vi. " I said she stared at me " you know Grace then? How is she? " she asked curiously I looked down sadly my ears went back " dead... she died when we escaped to come back here. " I said " we couldn't save her as much as we tried she did not past through the Eyes of Eywa. She was very weak. " I said she looked me shocked and sadly.

" oh... I... " she said turning around " she is with Eywa now. She is at peace. " I said she nodded
" I have to go I'll see you later... " she said " Padme or Scarlet. " I said " I'll see you later Padme. " she said running off I went to get my Ikran.

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