Chapter V - Training

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Scarlet POV -

" were gonna start with something simple. Bonding with the Pa'li! She is
female! " he said holding the Pa'li in place
I pet her " use the Tswin to make the bond! " he said " good girl... " he said to the Pa'li I grabbed my braid connecting our Tswin's she backed up
" good, girl, Good... " he said trying to sooth her
I got her " feel her everything! You may tell where to go. " he said I nodded " forward! " I said she ran " watch out! " I yelled to Saeyla and Ka'ani and two more others Saeyla screamed as I almost ran into her she moved in time though watching us run.

" Scarlet! " Atan yelled someone rode beside me it was Tsu'tey " pull to the side! " he commanded I tried she wasn't stopping he looked in front of us his face turned shocked he " tell her to stop, now! " he yelled I tried to but she kept running I looked seeing the clif he got in front of us she stopped Atan came
" calm, girl, calm! " he said to my Pa'li " you are bad teacher! " Tsu'tey yelled at him " it was not his fault do not blame Atan for this! " I said.

They looked at me Tsu'tey nodded all three of rode together I rode with Atan holding onto his stomach I saw a very muddy Jake he got up " you should go away. " Tsu'tey told Jake " no, you'd miss me. " Jake told him " I knew you could speak English. " he said I leaned my head onto Atan back of his neck letting it rest he didn't seem to mind Tsu'tey scoffed at Jake.

" this alien will learn nothing... " Tsu'tey said
" A rock sees more... " I turned my head I couldn't help but giggling at Tsu'tey comment Atan looked at me " ...look at him. " he said Neytiri told the Pa'li to go we went.

Later I was inside the lab I gathered my stuff I took my Stachel taking my valuables with me I took my necklace it was my mother's I put it in my Stachel Grace said we were getting out of here going to Site 26 I heard her say mountains " The Hallelujah Mountains? " I asked she turn to me " that's right! "
She said " are you serious? " Norm asked behind her she turned to him " yeah! " she said " Yes! " Norm said " Yes! " I repeated excitedly I was always wanted to go there.

Norm laughed " the legendary floating mountains of Pandora. Heard of them? " he asked Jake we flew there I was the Copilot " we are getting close. " Grace said " yeah, look at my instruments. " Trudy said
" Yep. We're in the Flux Vortex. " I said " we're VFR from here on. " she said " what's VPR? " Norm asked
" means you gotta see where you're going. " she said
" you can't see anything. " he said.

" exactly! " I said chuckling Trudy laughed " Ain't that a B!tch? " she asked I smiled looking around seeing the mountains " oh, my God. " Norm said I nodded agreeing Trudy laughed " You should see your faces. " she said we got to Site 26 " Thank you for flying Air Pandora. " she said we took off our mask once we got in " welcome to camp! " Grace said I smiled at her " So, this is my bunk. " she said
" this stuff is nasty. " Trudy said.

I saw Jake looking at the pictures I saw Sylwanin I placed my hand on the picture " who is that? " he asked me " Sylwanin. She was the first in line to be the next Tsahik she was a great friend. " I said I missed her I held the necklace I was wearing " she gave me this that was the last time I ever seen her. " I said " Kid top bunk, Trudy bottom. " Grace said I put my stuff on my mine.

" kid, you'll be the first Link! " she said I nodded getting mine I ran across the trees following Atan
Saeyla behind me Saeyla was training with us while Tsu'tey taught Ka'ani " look! " I said Saeyla did she laughed I looked down amazed by everything we got to the top Atan did a bird call a creature flew Saeyla grabbed me pulling me back so I wouldn't get crushed by the creature " thanks! " I said she nodded.

" do not look in his eye. " Atan told us me and Saeyla looked at each other " Ra'zan! " he said to him
feeding him a treat " calm, calm Ra'zan, an Ikran is no Horse... " he said he created the bond with him " Once Shahaylu is made, Ikran will fly with only one hunter in the whole life. " he said getting on Ra'zan.

" to become, Hunter, you must choose your own Ikran and they must choose you. " he said
" when? " I asked excited " when each of you are ready! " he said he exclaims they flew off me Saeyla laughed going to the edge watching I smiled at her she looked at me then Atan flew right above us whooping Saeyla pulled me down outta of the way.

Later " this is video log 13... times 2132. Location is Site 26... " I said I ran after Atan along the branches Saeyla behind me I have been being taught be Atan. He is amazing friend. We teach each other new things everyday. I still can't figure out the Pa'li thing I think she hates me " again! " Atan said I stood up.

Atan and Saeyla both asked me to teach them my first language well Saeyla asked me and Atan stayed
" Eye. " I said " Eye... " Saeyla said The language is hard for Atan. " Iye! " Atan said " Eyeeee! " I said pointing to mine " Eye! " he said I smiled nodding we were out in the forest I pulled my bow back
" Txur ni'ul. Stronger. " Atan said he fixed my pose Saeyla watched closely.

Tsu'tey thinks Atan is a bad teaching because of the Pa'li accident.

He moved my elbow up

But he is a amazing teacher though.

" this is a very important part of it. " Norm said I leaned against the wall watching them to " I See
You. " Jake said

Norm ways have been improving. Not so much with Jake though....

I looked down touching my necklace I left putting my mask on going outside leaning against a tree thinking of Sylwanin I opened my eyes seeing a Riti
I smiled as he flew off.

I ran across with Saeyla she laughed looking back at me and turned I chuckled.

Me and Saeyla have this thing where we race across tree branches of the Hometree.

And... It is fun. Very fun! I love hanging out with her.

I jumped across falling but she caught me I looked at her she smiled in relief pulling me up.

Saeyla helps me out with the simplest stuff that always is hard for me to do.

My Pa'li ran I laughed " yes! I'm doing it! " I said Saeyla smiled then my Pa'li jerked stoping I screamed getting thrown she watched me hit the tree
I groaned I pain " well I was doing it... " I said she giggled running over to me helping me up
" thanks. " I said she nodded

Saeyla has been improving on her English I think she had help from other Na'vi who knew it I admit I was kinda jealous but I understood it.

Me and her went tracking she ran and she stopped me pointing I smiled big happily there was Nantang a family the mother looked at us and came to me Saeyla gasped looking at me thinking it would attack but her eyes widened as she rubbed against my hand I smiled giggling she smiled at me.

I feel connected to the forest to the creatures even to Eywa herself. It's hard to explain...

" it's like I'm connected to her... " I told her
" well what does she sound like? " Grace asked me I smiled " Beautiful and Mighty. " I said Jake looked at me.

I See You( Saeyla X female OC! )Where stories live. Discover now