Chapter VII - Part of the People

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I flew on my Ikran happily someone joined me I turned seeing Saeyla she looked at her Ikran patting it then turned to me happily I smiled " to her! " I told my Ikran she bumped into hers I chuckled she giggled bumping into us I heard chuckling I turned seeing Neytiri and Atan they turned from us towards each other I rolled my eyes playfully then went towards Atan " ahh! " he yelped " Eltu si! " Tsu'tey said obviously irritated.

Saeyla POV -

After training me and Scarlet went flying together we soared together in the skies she laughed I chuckled looking at her I saw The Great Leonopteryx below chasing something I gasped " Scarlet! " I said she turned to me flying towards us then The Great Leonopteryx came up almost killing her I screamed frightened " THIS WAY! " I shouted flying off she followed " WE NEED TO SPLIT UP! " she shouted to me I nodded hesitantly but she was right.

I went left The Great Leonopteryx followed after her I stop watching her worriedly but went into the tree so my Ikran could rest " Sìltsan! Siltsan! " I told him then " ahh! " I screamed " Saeyla it is just us
Mawey! " Scarlet said I turned to her breathing slightly heavily I smiled at her " you are alright? " I asked " I am alright! Are you? " she asked I nodded
" let's go back home! " she said I nodded we flew back to our home.

" The Great Leonopteryx! " I said " also known as The Last Shadow! " I said " there are five known Toruk Makto. " she said spinning around touching a bending leaf " the first was Entu a storyteller of our clan. The fifth was Neytiri's great-great grandfather who had used the great respect given to such riders to unite the Na'vi clans of five generations. " I said
" the time of great sorrow.... " she said turning to me I looked down her Ikran jumped on mine making a squawked I laughed looking at them Scarlet started laughing bending her head back I chuckled shaking my head looking at her.

Next day

I got the warpaint colors I started doing different designs on Scarlet and my own designs on her I dragged my fingers over her closed eyes happily she opened them as I dragged them across the side down from her eyes she smiled I giggled happily she was going to become apart of our people I was proud of her and happy.

She wasn't like the other Sky People we have met before she was different she loved our people and our home we went we got up I pulled her outside holding her hand her and Jake went towards Eytukan and Mo'at " you two are now a son and daughters the Omticaya. You two are part of the people! " Eytukan said I smiled at Scarlet as he put both hands on her and Jake shoulder and Neytiri put her hands on them sand then Mo'at followed I put my hands on Scarlet happily she looked at me happily too.

Later as the celebration went on I took Scarlet hand
" come! " I said " let us be alone. " I said we rode out on my Pa'li towards the towards the lake everything glowed she jumped in I giggled watching her swim I smiled then I was pulled backwards by my tail I screamed falling in she chuckledI came up I coughed a few times " don't you know that could've ended badly? " I asked her she kept laughing looking then water came into my face I yelped we had a splash fight we swam for what felt like hours but I loved it I turned to her.

She turned facing me as I swam along the surface and she at the bottom she smiled I smiled after that we went to shore I started making a necklace as she half way sat in the water " you may make your weapon of choice from the wood of our Hometree now! " I said she turned to me I sighed looking down
" and you may choose a man. " I said " we have many fine man. Who I will be sure will be happy to mate with you. " I said.

" there is Arvok. Tsu'tey younger brother he is kind. " I said " Takuk skilled warrior. " I said " Takuk is very skilled Arvok is a great friend. But I do not want them. " she said " there is also Atan. " I suggested
" that will be weird he is both my teacher and a dear friend since childhood. " she said " I've already chosen my mate. " she said getting up sitting beside I looked up at her curiously titling my head.

" but it is no man. " she said I looked at her shocked
" but she also must choose me! " she said I smiled
" she has. " I said we kissed our tails intertwined with each other we have mated now " I am with you now Saeyla... " she said " and I am with you. " I said
" we are mated for life. " I said she smiled I smiled looking down we slept together.

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