Chapter XII - Time to End this

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I took the comm off throwing it I flew towards the base " Max do you read me? I'm coming in! " I said putting on our comm " yes, I read you kid. " he said I landed on my Ikran a scientist came I hissed " I'm with you and your people! Your Max friend. " she said I rosed up nodding she took me inside I smashed the glass for them to answer
" Hurry! Now! " I commanded.

" power up! Calibrate go! Go! " I shouted angrily
" we got it from here get your Ikran and help up us from above. " Max said I stared at him up and down but listen I exclaimed once I got outside for Awa she came I got on her creating the bond then flew off the avatars attacked first I yipped happily then I flew I'm attacking from above shooting at the Sky Demons I exclaimed then something amazing happened Ikrans and Viperwolves and all sorts of creatures came
" Eywa, has heard Jake. " I whispered " EYWA HAS HEARD HIM! " I shouted happily " YAH!!! " I screamed.

" We're leaving. " a Pilot said " oh no your not! " I said shooting him he died they saw me I shot them then a machine came towards the base " GO MAX! " I yelled happily knowing it was him he broke through the base I laughed as they tried to run Awa flew towards the base I jumped inside pointing my spear at the weaklings " STAY DOWN! DO NOT MOVE YOU RUFFIANS!!!! " I shouted angrily one tried to move " YOU REALLY WANNA TEST
ME?!?! " I asked angrily I hit them knocking them down " if any of them try to get up kill them. " I said to the Avatars not caring.

" yes Ma'am. " she said " You! " Selfridge said I turned to him I screamed hissing at him angrily
" go. We got it from here. " Max said to me I looked up and down at him but nodded " don't be afraid to kill them if they try anything. " I commanded he nodded then I left on Awa flying off towards the forest I fell suddenly I screamed it turned black I woke up in my human from I looked at my arms I pulled out I screamed.

I got up breathing heavily I saw someone come in it was the boy he shot at the human I tried getting a clearly look at the human Wainfleet I thought Ikeyni killed him I hissed him as he was about to kill the boy I pounced on him flinging him over I hissed aggressively panting at him crouching in front of the boy and his Pa'li I hissed again warningly this time
" Leave him alone. " I said warningly I saw someone come swinging him over once again with a loud scream I gasped.

It was Saeyla I smiled I fell.

Saeyla POV -

I jumped over the man swinging him over screaming loudly I heard a loud thump I turned " My Scarlet! " I screamed worriedly I turned to the boy he got off his Pa'li worriedly " get her in the thing! " I commanded him he looked at me confused I pointed
" There! Hurry I got him! " I shouted fighting the man I jumped through the trees swinging at him as he got up I kicked him right in the back of his armor head he fell back I grabbed a bow and got ready to shoot him I breathed in deeply worried about Scarlet then my braid was grabbed I yelled.

Scarlet POV -
I flew in on my Ikran shooting at Wainfleet shooting him straight in the heart I jumped down as Saeyla fell out of his nasty hands " My Saeyla! " I screamed watching her fall " are you alright? " I asked she opened her eyes she turned happily seeing me " My Scarlet. I'm alright. " she said placing her hand on my cheek I held her hand close to it.

Then " LOOK OUT!!! " the boy shouted at us I turned only getting shot once again " Ma Scarlet! " she screamed I coughed my Ikran flew in biting off his head I gasped getting up she screeched then turned to me as Wainfleet body fell behind her he was finally dead I smiled we went to find the others only to see Jake and Neytiri with Tsu'tey dying body " Ma Tsu'tey!!! " I screamed running towards him.

" Ma Scarlet. " he said painfully I shook my head as I hovered over him " no. We can still... " I said " no. There is not enough time left. " he said " here take this. " he said giving me his necklace I looked at him sadly my ears went back " no I can't. " I said " I will no longer be the leader of the hunters, Ma Scarlet. I in trust that leadership to you. Take it as my dying wish. " he said I took it feeling tears I hid in Saeyla Chest as " I can not lead the people. You will lead them, Jakesully. " Tsu'tey said.

" No. I'm not officer material. " Jake said " it is decided. Now do the duty of the Olo'eytkan. " he said I turned to him crying I watched Tsu'tey forced the knife to come out of Jake's holder " I will not kill you. " Jake said " please Tsu'tey. " I said " it is the way. " Tsu'tey said " lead the hunters Ma Scarlet. I know you'll do it well as I did. " he said " I will be remembered I fought with Toruk Makto. We were brothers. And he was my last shadow. " he said I breathed in sadly looking at him Jake did it I looked away as tears came quicker gasping Saeyla hugged me I hid in her neck.

We were at the base a few tears were still falling on my face I watched angrily as the humans walked back to their ships to take them to Earth only a few were chosen to stay I breathed heavily pointing my spear the boy on the other side pointing his bow at them warningly not to try anything Saeyla on her Pa'li next to me doing the same as the boy I saw Selfridge come up I hissed both hurt and tiredly and angrily he stared at me but kept moving.

this is my last video log of everything that happened.

The time of Great Sorrow was ending.

Toruk Makto was no longer needed.

He went off freely.

And The boy...?

I walked towards the Tree Of Souls I saw the boy there I smiled he turned seeing me " it is you! " he said happily I giggled " yes it is me. What are you still doing here? " I asked curiously " I came to return your bow. " he said taking it off of him handing it towards me " thank you. For taking care of it. But you can keep it. I have another one. That means more to me. "  I said " are you sure? " he asked I nodded " yes. " I said.

" what is your name? " I asked as he put the bow back on him " Na'tronyo. " he said " it Na'yo. For short. " he said " I am Scarlet. "

Na'yo is staying with us in the Omatikaya clan. He has a clan but prefers to stay here with me.

I think of him as a younger brother or even my son.


Tonight I'm finally being transferred into my Avatar body.

Guess I should say my real body.

I'm gonna go now. Nothing left to say. Anyways.

My and Jake bodies laid beside each together I heard chanting my vision went dark " Did it Work? " was all I heard.



this is the end of Saeyla x Scarlet book 1

I will continue this story because I have plans for the second book. The second book will be out soon.

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