Chapter VIII - Destruction

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Scarlet POV -

We flew around happily together Saeyla looked at me we landed she was brining me somewhere she stop she screamed scared and sadly I turned I covered my mouth tears came the Tree of Souls were destroyed she fell I ran to her holding her then Tsu'tey and Atan and and a few other warriors came Atan turned to us then to the Tree Of Souls we rode to the Hometree I rode with Atan crying on the way their me and Tsu'tey explained to Eytukan what happened.

I stood beside Tsu'tey sadly as I was still silently crying " Tsu'tey will lead the War party. " Eytukan said there was war cries I yipped with them the others Selfridge and Quartich must pay for what they've done " stop please! " Grace said I turned to her " this will only make it worse. " she said I backed down realizing she was right.

" you do not speak here! " Tsu'tey told her " we will strike them in the heart. " he said they all shouted making war cries I want to agree with Tsu'tey very much but Grace was also right
" Tsu'tey! " Jake said I turned to him " Don't do
this! " he said Tsu'tey banded his bow to me I took it gently and sadly handing it to hunter he took it from me " You! " Tsu'tey said " Listen. Brother.... " Jake tried.

Tsu'tey pushed him Neytiri shouted in Na'vi
" Tsu'tey! " she shouted aww no! I thought noticing what was happening " you mated with this woman? " he asked sounding hurt " oh shit! " Grace said Mo'at walked towards Neytiri " is this true? " she asked
sounding angry " we are mated before Eywa. It is done! " Neytiri said Tsu'tey turned looking hurt walking towards me " Brother, please. Do not attack the Sky People. " Jake said " Many Omaticaya Will die if you do. " he said.

Tsu'tey turned to him " you are not my brother! " he screamed taking his knife trying to attack Jake but Jake flipped Tsu'tey over him " and I am not your enemy! " he said pulling his dagger out I quickly came to Saeyla and Atan and Atan helped pulled me to her " the enemy is out there, and they are very powerful! " Jake yelled.

" I can talk to them! " Jake tried " no more talk! " Tsu'tey said attacking Jake " Ma Tsu'tey! " I shouted worried as he fell beside us I bended down helping him up " I am Omaticaya. I am one of you. " Jake said Tsu'tey whipped the blood off he nodded towards me " and I have the right to speak. " Jake said " I have something to say... to all of you. " he said I looked at him scared he turned to me " the words are like stones in my heart. " he said it went black.

Tsu'tey POV -

I heard a thump I turned I gasped " Scarlet! " I said I jumped to her shaking her Seayla ran to us looking at Scarlet worried " my Scarlet! " she said I turned to Jake angrily " ok look I was sent here to... " he tried but fell too I got up jumping to him grunting pulling his head up by his braid " you see? It is a demon in a false body. " I said holding my daughter towards his neck showing my people the truth.

Then I heard Neytiri yelling and was pulled the world spin I got up she got on top of Jake's body protectively and hissed at me warningly I walked I exclaimed at her going towards Scarlet body to bring her in the healers.

Later -

Scarlet and Saeyla came running after Jake and Neytiri " Father! Mother! " Neytiri said we stood up " Eytukan, I have something to say. " Jake said " listen! " Grace said " speak, Jakesully. " Eytukan said " a great evil is upon us... The Sky People are coming... to destroy Hometree. " he said I stared at him " Au! " everyone responded he turned to Scarlet " look, tell them they're gonna be here soon. " he told her she came towards us " Pìyate fìtseng ye'rìn. " she said " you have to leave, or you're gonna die. " Jake said " are you certain of this? " Mo'at asked I turned to Scarlet.

" look, they sent me here.... to learn your ways. So one day... I could bring this message and that you would believe it. " Jake said Scarlet turned to him breathing heavily " what are you saying Jake? " Neytiri asked him " your saying you knew they would destroy The Tree Of Souls? " Scarlet asked hurt
Jake turned to her " I... " he said " you were apart of this? All of it? " she asked.

" look it was just orders... but then I fell in love with the Omticaya people and with you... Neytiri. " he said turning to Neytiri " I trusted you... " Neytiri said
" I trusted you! Kawkrr! Ke slayu nga Na'viyä
hapxì! " she said pulling from him " Kawkrr Na'viyä, Kawkrr! " she shouted " Ma 'ite. " Mo'at said as Neytiri went to her " Kehe! " Neytiri said " Mefoti yìm. " Grace said " Please! " Scarlet said I looked at her we got ready to defend our home.

Scarlet POV -

We got bind in front of the Hometree the ships have arrived and started attacking I shouted towards Eytukan " Ma Eytukan please. They are attacking you! " I shouted he turned to me
" have no fear! Have no fear! " Tsu'tey shouted
" Ride the Ikran. Attack from above! " Eytukan told Tsu'tey he went " Atan! " I said he looked at me then went I " leave now! " Mo'at shouted I saw Saeyla having troubles running because of the bombs " My Seayla! " I shouted she came to me starting to cut my ropes I turned to Jake angrily
" Ma Scarlet please! " he said I ran off to help the other Na'vi I called my Ikran " this way! " I said running off the people followed my Ikran out.

I looked around for Atan " Atan? " I screamed I saw an Ikran laying on the ground I recognized I screamed frightened I ran to her seeing if she was alive she was dead " Kehe! " I shouted sadly I looked around seeing a Na'vi not that far from her I ran immediately it was a boy I rolled him over I screamed " Atan!? " I screamed I shook him
I heard a Ikran Land behind me I saw Tsu'tey running towards me " Atan! " he said.

I cried he looked at me sadly " he is with Eywa now... it was too late... " I said sadly I saw someone come running in " Scarlet! " Jake said running " Kehe! Kä mìso! " I shouted " Scarlet... " he said " Oiss! " I screamed at him pushing him I turned to Atan holding his hand in mine " Go! You will not be welcomed back here! " Tsu'tey said I bended to Atan " we must go. " Tsu'tey told me I looked at him my Ikran came down I put Atan body on her.

We ran helping the people get to safety I looked for Saeyla I shouted for her I had just lost my best friend I cannot lose my mate as well then I heard cracking I turned shocked seeing the Hometree falling I felt tears I felt someone grab me on their Ikran flying off away from the area it was Tsu'tey we stopped turned hearing screams and the Hometree has fell I screamed we landed I saw Saeyla she turned to me she was crying as well she ran to me we hugged each other.

Tsu'tey POV -

We walked away from our only home I carried a child who was injured because of the fall of our Hometree Scarlet Ikran carried Atan on her back
" Ma Tsahik please stop! " some of the children shouted I turned seeing Seaylaa hovering over Scarlet I ran to them something was happening on the other side I turned to I called my Pa'li he carried her on his back Saeyla stood walking beside her the whole time making sure she wouldn't fall.

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