Chapter XI - Let's finish this

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Scarlet POV -

I sat beside Trudy in my human from holding my spear " Jake, Scarlet, it's crazy here. It's full mobilization. " Max said I looked at him before turning to Jake " they're rigging the shuttle as a bomber. " Max said " what? " I asked whispering turning back to him " they've got these huge pallets of mine explosives. It's for some kind of shock-and-awe campaign. " he said I gasped " Fricking daisy cutters! " Trudy said I turned to her she turned to me.

" Quartich has taken over. He's rolling, and there's no stopping him. " Max said I tighten my hold on my spear " when? " Jake asked I turned Max angrily
" 0600 tomorrow. " Max said " Max! Max! " a woman yelled " I gotta go. " he said turning off the screen " we're screwed! " Norm said Trudy laughed
" and I was hoping for some sort of tactical plan that didn't involve martyrdom. " Trudy said I turned to her breathing in.

" we're going up against gunships with bows and arrows. " she said " we have 15 clans out there. " Jake said turning to us " that's over 2,000 warriors. " he said " we have the higher advantage. " I said they all turned to me " you now know these mountains like I do all of me and the people know these mountains with our full hearts. We fly them. The people fly them. Trudy flies them. They don't. They have no clue what's in the mountains they don't know they're way around. Like us. " I said " their instruments won't work up here. " Jake said agreeing with me I turned to him.

" Missile tracking won't work. " Jake said " they'll have to fire line of sight. If they bring the fight to us, then like Scarlet said we'll have the home full advantage. " he said I smiled at him " you know he's gonna commit that bomber straight to the Tree Of Souls. " Trudy said " yeah, we know. " Jake said I looked down " if they get to the Tree Of Souls, it's over. " Norm said I exhaled deeply scared " that's their direct line to Eywa, their ancestors. It'll destroy them. " Norm said " then I guess we'd better stop him. " Jake said Trudy exhaled softly I turned to her.

I was in my Avatar body I was at the Tree Of Souls
" they're gonna come like a rain that never ends. " I heard Jake said I walked towards him " Unless we stop them. " he said " look, you choose me for something. I will stand and fight. You know I will. " he said " but I need a little help here. " he said I sighed sadly going towards him standing in front him he broke the bond looking up at me " Our Great Mother does not take side. Jake she protects only the balance of life. " I said seeing the Atokirina floating around one came to me I held it smiling.

Then gently blow her away " it was worth a try. " he said " why did you come here? " he asked " I came to see our ancestors. " I said gently placing my hands on them " you asked me to stand with you Jake when Grace passed on through Eywa. I am standing with you now. For my mate. And for my people. And for our fallen Brothers and Sisters. " I said I sighed
he also did " do you have a plan? " I asked " not really. " he said I rolled my eyes.

Morning -

We flew on our Ikrans I flew beside Tsu'tey Saeyla was on the ground with Norm I turned to Tsu'tey exhaling deeply scared he turned to me placing his hand over his heart I pulled my Crown he made me down ready to fight I held my spear that Trudy made me as I had Atan Bow on me I looked toward Ikeyni she gestured to follow her I did her clan hid on the mountains as did I was next to her looking st her she turned to me then looked down Protect them Eywa. I thought.

Jake, Neytiri, and Tsu'tey came in on their Ikran's Jake hooted " Eko, Eko, Eko! " Tsu'tey shouted in Na'vi " EKO! " I shouted to the warriors as we flew off the mountains me and Ikeyni ululated Jake whooped Neytiri ululated " brother, I'm gonna punch a hole. You follow me though. " Jake said through the comms " Be careful Tsu'tey. " I said through the comm " you too. " Tsu'tey said to me.

I shot at Ships yipping I saw a Na'vi fall I caught him whooping I gave him my bow " be careful with that! " I commanded as it was a special gift from the people he nodded shooting the Ships " Jake! Scarlet you copy?  " Norm asked " were falling back! We're getting hammered! " Norm shouted " we Copy! Get out there now! " I commanded.

I thought for a second " you too My Saeyla! " I shouted in the comm " Cover me! " I commanded the boy he looked at me almost glaring but nodded I got up jumping inside a ship I yipped as I hit soldiers and killed soldier I suffered a gun wound I stopped.
I had a bit of trouble breathing the Na'vi boy aimed his arrow shooting the rest of the soldiers
" Thanks! " I shouted I ran back a Ikran flew beside I got on mine " he yours? " I asked he nodded
" thank you. " he said I nodded he tried giving my bow back " give it to me yourself after the war. " I said he hesitated but nodded leaving with a Exclaim.

I flew around shooting with Atan bow then got shot at I screamed then told Awa to fly in zigzag's
I turned seeing it was Wainfleet I turned back frighten I heard an exclaim I turned back seeing Ikeyni shoot him and the pilot I whooped " Yah! Haha! " I yelled Tsu'tey! Brother, do you read? " Jake shouted I gasped as he did not answer " Rouge One, you copy? " he asked Tsu'tey, Trudy... I thought I looked down sadly " Saeyla? " Jake asked I looked up worriedly as I did not hear an answer from her.

" Trudy! Saeyla! " he shouted " this ends now! " I said through the comms angrily " Ma Scarlet? " Jake asked confused.

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