Sodapop x Reader Smut

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Word Count: 1,339

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Word Count: 1,339

It was October 8th, Soda's 18th birthday. I wanted to make his day special, so I planned a nice day for us. It was currently 9:00 am, and Soda was still asleep, so I got up early to cook him breakfast.

I walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge to grab the eggs. I added them to the pot to scramble when I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. I peeked over my shoulder to see Soda flashing his movie star smile at me. "Hi babe," he whispered in my ear, making them heat up.

I beamed at his words. "Hi, Happy Birthday, baby" I replied before turning off the stove to let everything cool down. We stayed in comfortable silence, occasionally swaying back and forth in each other's arms.

After the food cooled down, Soda let me go so I could get plates. "What do you want with your eggs, birthday boy?" He smiled at the nickname before replying, "Just jelly, please." I turned to him with a confused look on my face and said, "You're so weird." He laughed at my reaction before holding me up in his arms and saying, "But you love it."

We ate our food before I told him to go get dressed for his next surprise. He beamed at my words. "Another one? You spoil me too much." I walked over to him with a smirk on my face, bringing my face close to his ear, and said, "It's not the only thing I'm spoiling you with tonight." I saw a small blush forming on his face before I ran out of the room.

After we got ready, we took the truck to our destination. I blindfolded Soda so he couldn't recognize the route we were taking to Buck's. I had planned a surprise party for him, and everyone was already there. Once we got there, I took off his blindfold. He looked extremely confused about why I brought him to a bar, mostly because he doesn't drink.

We walked into the dark and silent place, anticipation filling his bones. Once we got into the main bar, the light flickered on, and everyone jumped out, yelling, "Surprise!" Soda let out a girly scream and jumped in response to the yelling, but then covered it up with a grunt.

He turned and gave me a big hug and kiss before running to hug everyone else. After a while, I brought out the cake, singing Sodapop the birthday song. When I finished, he blew out his candles and dug in. "This cake is so good," he said, with his mouth ridiculously full.

I laughed at his sloppiness: "It's homemade by Moi, and don't get too full; there's more for you to eat later." I whispered with a wink before walking away to the dance floor. I moved my fingers in a "come hither" motion at him to follow me.

He smirked at me before jumping up from his chair to come to me. He grabbed my hands and gave me a twirl, making me giggle. We continued to dance and enjoy the party until we were tired. We decided to go back to my place for some alone time. It was time for his final surprise.

Once we got into my room, I pushed Soda onto my bed to climb on top of him. I urgently connected our lips while grinding on him softly. He groaned lowly against my lips, grabbing onto my waist. I lifted off of him slowly, walking across the room to grab a towel. "Where you goin'?" he asked, frazzled and perplexed as to why I had stopped. I smirked and slipped off my dress before replying, "I'm gonna to take a shower. Wanna join, birthday boy?"

I ran off to the bathroom, quickly undressing fully and stepping in the warm and steamy water. I soon heard footsteps against the floor before they stopped, and the door opened. I heard clothes quickly coming off before Soda stepped in behind me. I turned immediately, looking him up and down, taking his build in, and said, "You like what you see, huh?" I replied with a whisper of "yes" before kissing him.

As we made out, Soda brought his hands down to my ass, squeezing the flesh roughly. I moaned lowly at his actions, "Soda!" He turned me around and pushed me, so my back hit the cold shower wall. I wrapped my leg around his lower waist, quickly grinding against his dick. He moaned loudly from the stimulation.

He soon unwrapped my legs from his waist, lowering himself down in front of me. He drew me down onto the shower seat before burying his tongue in my wet pussy. He licked long stripes up and down, taking breaks to swirl my clit. I bucked my hips up, moaning loudly, "Soda, please, faster." He lifted his head, looking completely pussy-drunk,

"As you wish," he replied before diving back in. He began to suck on my clit faster, making me whine. Soda brought up two fingers before slowly putting them inside me. He hooked them just right, caressing g-spot. I tugged his wet hair, bucking my hips into his face for more friction.

I felt myself getting closer from the overwhelming pleasure: "Soda, I wanna cum, please!" I cried out. He sat up once more, still thrusting his fingers in and out relentlessly, saying, "Wait a little longer for me. You're gonna good for me? he asked. I nodded my head quickly, letting out loud whimpers from overstimulation.

He latches back onto my clit, fingers thrusting relentlessly, and repeatedly hitting my g-spot. I screamed in pleasure, "Oh fuck, Soda!" He groaned at my call of his name. "Come on, baby, soak my face for me." My legs shook, and my thighs closed around his head as I came. His assault on my clit didn't let up as I rode out my high.

We stood up, with my legs feeling like pure jelly. "Soda, please." He started kissing my neck, mumbling "yes." I whimpered as he sucked a hickey on my neck. "I want you to fuck me!" He groaned at my words before pushing himself into me to a hilt.

He began to thrust slowly into me, my hips meeting his thrusts. Soda's hands began to travel to my breasts and neck, one tweaking my nipple and the other lightly wrapping around my neck. He started to squeeze a little, making my eyes roll back in my head, "Soda fuck, please go faster."

"You're gripping me so tight baby, best pussy I swear!" he smirked before speeding up, making me clench around his dick. He groaned, throwing his head back. I grabbed the sides of his face to pull him into a feverish kiss, moans and groans pouring into each other's mouths.

He brought his hand down from my neck to rub fast eight figures on my sensitive clit, making me moan louder. "Soda!" I dragged my nails down his back, eliciting a loud moan from Soda, "Fuck." Soda began to thrust harder, making his tip slam into my sweet spot repeatedly.

As Soda fucked me, my words became slurred with euphoric pleasure. "Soda m'gonna cum!" He looked me in my eyes, his hair soaked in water, and said, "C'mon, cum for me." I clenched at his words. My entire body shook as I came all over his dick, my eyes going backwards into my head. His high came right after mine as I roughly gave his back scratches.

Once we finished, we washed each other's bodies and hair. "Soda, bend down so I can finish washing your hair." He laughed at me being shorter than him, flashing his movie star smile. "You know I really love you, doll?" he said, looking me in the eyes and pecking my lips. This has been one of the best birthdays since my parents died. I kissed his cheek and took his hand in mine, saying, "I love you too, Soda."

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