Sodapop x Reader Smut

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Word Count: 1411  ✭・

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Word Count: 1411
  ✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。

I finished putting on my final stroke of blush before packing up my makeup container. I had a date with Soda tonight. I walked over to my closet, searching for something nice but classy to wear. I pushed all the other hangers to the side as I settled on a little black dress that i hadn't worn in a while.

I pulled out of my pajamas leaving me in just my underwear and bra. After that, I realized that the dress was tight enough to show my pantyline. I decided to just not wear any, its not like anyone could notice. Once I was dressed, I took my hair down from its ponytail, finishing my look.

I walked downstairs to grab my black flats and made sure to unlock my door for Soda. I make sure to unlock it for him all the time so he can just walk in. He was taking me to a restaurant that we've never been too. He wanted to try something new.

I was putting on my second flat when I heard my door shut and close. "Babe!" he yelled out for me. "Im in here" I replied. I heard running then felt hands around my waist. "You look so good." Soda whispered into my ear. It sent tingles down my spine.

He took me to his car aka Darry's truck that he borrowed. Soda kept his hand on my plump thigh as he drove. I just stared at him, watching him focus on the road and looking at his amazing features. "Anyone ever tell you you're a fine man, Sodapop Curtis." I giggled at my own joke. He smiled and shook his head slightly "Ive heard it couple times I think."

We arrived at the restaurant after 5 minutes of driving. Soda walked up and told them we were ready for our reservation. Fancy. He walked back over to me, grabbing my hand, walking us over to our table. A waiter came to take our drink orders, he was eyeing my figure but I chose to ignore it.
Im guessing Soda noticed because his grip on the table tightened.

I gulped because I knew he was jealous. Soda scooted his chair closer to me and leaned into my ear, "Im gonna rip that pretty dress off you later." he said as he squeezed the fat of my hip. I whimpered quietly, clearly getting worked up from just that. He scooted his chair back to his original spot, continuing on like nothing.

The waiter came back with our drinks, setting them down lightly and walking away. I sipped my lemonade as I tried to get my mind off of Sodas words. My thighs clenched in anticipation for what happening later. "What would you like, ma'am?" the waiter said to me, snapping me out of my trance. "Ill take the fettuccine pasta. T-thank you." I rush out quickly.

Soda told the waiter what he wanted, not even looking at the menu. Once the waiter left, Soda scooted his seat back over to me. "I got you all worked up, didn't I?" he said. "Soda, I want you" I whispered back to him.

He smirked, "And you can have me...after dinner." He knew what he was doing and he knew how i would react. Asshole. "Please, Soda!" I begged again. He pinched my thigh lightly right where the hem of the tight dress started. "After dinner, ok?" he said to me. I whimpered quietly once again before giving a shy nod.

By the time dinner was over, I was desperate and soaked. As we walked into my door, my back was already being pushed against a wall. Soda hot tongue ran against the soft skin of my neck as I moaned out. "Ive been waiting to do this all night, pretty girl" he mumbled between kissing my neck.

I felt his hand trail down to bottom of my dress.
The cold air hit my bare bottom half as he yanked my dress up. Soda brought his hand to my pussy, his fingers pushing through my arousal. "Fuck! Soda, please." His lips found there way to mine in a rush after that. I felt a finger push into me as we continued to makeout. The stimulation made me moan into his mouth, fueling him on even more.

I pulled away from his lips to beg for more, wanting to feel more satisfaction. "More, Soda more!" He smirked at my begging. "You're such a slut for me." I whimpered at his degrading words. Another digit found its way inside me, making me mewl from the feeling. "Shit, Soda keep fucking going!" He curled his two fingers inside, massaging my g-spot. My moans poured out, echoing in the room.

I draped my arms over Sodas shoulders, trying to maintain balance. A thumb found its way to my clit, the light circles on it making me silently scream. "You like that don't you, baby?" I nodded rapidly, "Yes, I love it! Fuck!" My pleas of "Faster" and "Just like that!" were loud. I felt my peak getting closer and closer as Soda rammed his fingers into me. I leaned forward until my head was in the crook of his neck, suddenly feeling shy.

Sodas free hand came to my chin, lifting my head up to look into his blue eyes. "Come on, don't get shy on me now. Come for me!" I cried out at his words, about to topple over the edge. "Fuck, Soda. I'm cumming!" My release gushed over finger, coating them slightly.

Soda brought his arousal coated hand up to my mouth, offering me a taste of myself. I immediately took his offer, running my tongue over the two digits. I began to pull off my dress before being stop. "You look so pretty, keep it on for me and turn around." I followed his directions with a smile.

My hands touched were braced on the cold wall, waiting in anticipation. "I cant believe you had no panties on in that nice place like a slut, sweetheart." his tone was sultry as he spoke. "Please, Soda! Fuck me." I heard a fly zip down and the buckle of his brown leather belt hit the floor.

Next thing I know, I felt the tip of Soda hard cock against my puffy cunt. I recoiled slightly at the sensation before whimpering from sensitivity. Sodas hands came to my hips, gripping them harshly as he pushed into me. We both moaned at the feeling. His thrust started at a unruly pace, making me silently scream once again. "Soda! I love you so much. Oh!" I moaned out, already feeling breathless.

One of his hands came up to grab my breast from the back, slightly tweaking my nipple. "I love you too, pretty girl. You're so good for me!" Fuck. His other hand came up to my hair, pulling slightly. "Soda please pull harder." He let out a nod before pulling me back by my hair, my back again his bare chest. "Fuck!" he groaned out as I clenched around his cock.

He continued to thrust into me as I mewled and moaned. "F-feels so good" I whimpered out. "Yea? You like that" he responded. Soda hand cracked down on my ass, the sting only adding to the pleasure. "Yesss! I love it, Soda."

His thrusts remained steady as our bodies collided. I brought my hand down to my needy clit, making sure to get steady first. I rubbed tight and soft circles on my clit, making myself shudder at the pleasure. "Mmmm" I moaned. My orgasm only got closer as we continued.

"Soda! M'gonna cum. I wanna cum. Please!" I felt like I was in heaven with the pleasure he was giving me. His thrusts started to become sloppier, signaling he was close. "Im right there with you sweetheart. Cum all over my cock!" Soda pushed into me a couple times before I finally came. "Oh shit! Cum inside me please. I begged.

He moaned as he released his warm cum into me, making me moan once again. He pulled out of me and turned me around. My back was once again against the wall as Soda pushed his lips onto mine. His cum was leaking down my thighs as we made out. "You're definitely wearing this dress around me 24/7" I smiled at him before giving a final kiss.

✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
A/N: I hope you enjoyed this! This was a request from my tumblr. Thank you guys for all the support. Its means everything to me and my request box is always open <3

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