Johnny x Reader Fluff

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Word Count: 587

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Word Count: 587

"Johnny!?" I yelled into the pure darkness surrounding me. "Johnny, please!" I close my eyes, trying to escape this repetitive reality. Suddenly, I see a light flash 7 feet away, making me snap out of my trance. It was Johnny. I tried to run to him but I couldn't move. I screamed over and over but he couldn't hear my pleas. He just blankly stares at me, with a face of pure terror. His head slowly tilts to the right and his mouth opens. "Why didn't you save me?! Do I mean nothing to you? It's all your fault!" I let out a loud scream of pure anguish, trying to find an out to this distorted place. "Someone help!"

Suddenly, a fire starts to trail up behind him, slowly getting closer. "Johnny, run!" I watch as the fire quickly envelopes him fully, his screams of pain piercing my ears. I extend my legs to run to him, free from my previous paralysis. Once I got there, he was...gone. I scream, dropping to my knees in sadness when I feel someone tap my shoulder. I slowly rose up and then proceeded to turn around. When I turned, I saw a disfigured johnny, covered in debris and burns. "Why didn't you stop me?" is all I heard before I woke up screaming.

I started to cry until I felt a pair of arms wrap around me, I jumped slightly. "It's ok baby, it's ok." I cried even harder at the soft tone, feeling safe. "Johnny?" He held me in his arms and rocked back and forth. I inhaled his scent for comfort, "What happened?" My tears were starting to dry and I could talk normally "I had a dream you left me, you died in the fire." His mouth dropped open slightly and tears welled in his eyes. He's never been the same since. Johnny started to have a more positive outlook on things since so seeing me so upset hurt him too.

He sat us up fully, soothing me. We sat in silence for a little while till he made a suggestion. "How about we get some food? The dingo's still open." I beamed at his words. He always knew what to say. We got in the car and started to drive to the dingo, listening to the radio. Johnny put his spare hand on my thigh and started to rub slowly. I put my hand on top of his and squeezed, feeling instant relief.

We arrived in the next five minutes. Once we walked in, Christy came to take our order. We decided to get a grilled cheese and vanilla milkshake with extra whip cream like usual. We sat and talked till sunrise about our future, favorites, and what are kids would be like. It felt like dream, unlike my recurring nightmares. After we were done, we headed back home. Before we walked into the house, Johnny grabbed my hand and stopped me. "Let's stay out here for a while, huh?" I shivered slightly before protesting, "Johnny it's cold!" He laughed at my reaction before pulling me in close. "I'll always warm you up." I giggled at his theatrics before sighing slightly and giving in.

He gripped me tighter than before, kissing my head. "I'll never leave you, baby. Before I knew it, we were both crying again. "I love you so much, Johnny." He looks at me in my eyes, tears running down his face with a downward smile. "I love you too, always and forever."

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