Sub!Sodapop x Reader Smut

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Word Count: 1141

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Word Count: 1141

A/N: Im warning you that this writing contains a mommy kink bc it was wanted in the request. Also for the ppl who voted for this prompt. My request box is always open. Did yall miss me? :)

.・゜・。. .・。.・゜.・゜・。

Me and Soda were on his bed, his hands secure around my waist as I placed open-mouth kisses and hickeys on his neck. He groaned softly as he began to move me back and forth on him. I pulled my mouth from his neck and grabbed his hands to put them next to him. "Keep them there" He whimpered and nodded.

I resumed my work on his neck, placing kisses from his adams apple to his ear. I brought my hand to the hair on the back of his head and pulled his head back by it to expose his neck more. "Fuck" he whispered. I smiled at his pathetic reaction.

Soda seemed like a boy who knew how to treat a girl right and he was. People just didn't know he was desperate whiny slut in bed.

I gave him a couple more kisses before pulling his head back up. My lip's connected to his feverishly, my hips finally starting to move against his. I pulled away, "You gonna be good for me?" Soda nodded, eyes drooping from being high on pleasure. "Yes mommy, fuck." I smirked at his name for me. He only got like this when he was really desperate.

I pushed myself of him, leaving him high and dry. My hands came to the bottom of his shirt and pulled it off, raking my hand down chest after. The feelings of my nails made him shudder slightly. Soda's bulge only grew as I trail kisses down his stomach. I tease the elastic of his pants before shoving them down his leg's hastily. His underwear are already stained a little bit with his pre-cum from earlier.

I palm him over his boxers, teasingly. "Feels so good, mommy. Please." I rolled my eyes at his plea's. "You take what I give or you get nothing. Be a good boy for me" His face was constantly begging me to give him more but I didn't really care. I continued to palm him, starting to feel him throb under my hand.

Sodas face continued to scrunch as he was about to cum. "Fuuuck, can I cum? Please mommy, Ill do anything. I gave him a sarcastic pout and shook my head. "Hold it for me" I gave in to him and pulled down his boxers, fully exposing his dick. His cock was leaking pre-cum and red, ready for me.

I ran my tongue down his cock slowly, teasing him. My hand came to stroke his cock in a pace that made him want to beg for more. Sodas hips began to buck up for friction, "Mommy Please" he says in between a deep breath and gasp. My lips come down to capture the head on his cock, running the tip of my tongue on his slit. "Stop fucking moving or I will stop" He nodded and closed his eyes.

I finally give into him and take him fully down my throat, his tip hitting the back of my throat. "Feels so good. Don't stop, please." he says looking down at me. Once I come up, I lick the underside of his cock before taking him halfway. Tears form in Soda's eyes and I can tell he's about to cum.

The glint in his eyes becomes more apparent as he gets closer. I take him from my mouth, starting to stroke him slowly. "You like that, don't you?" I smirked as he gave me a desperate nod. My strokes became more fast and aggressive as I leaned up to kiss him. His tongue slipped into my mouth against mine.

I pulled away just enough to whisper against his lips. "You're so pathetic for me, its cute" My voice dripped with desire. I smiled as I placed a quick kiss on his lips. Soda moaned as he got closer to his satisfaction. He was sweaty and breathing heavy from the constant edging. "So pathetic for you, mommy. Fuck, Ill be anything for you." His voice was extremely breathy.

I start to kiss his neck and stroke him more. "Cum for me." I tell him, smile apparent in my voice. He groaned and bucked his hips up, letting out pathetic whines and moans. "You're voice is so pretty like this, Soda" It only spurred him on further. I gave him a couple more pumps before his thick cum was spilling from his needy tip, hitting his thighs and my hand.

Sodas chest was going up and down quickly as he tried to catch his breath. "Good job but were not done, baby." I told him as I began to stroke his sensitive cock. I stand up and pull off my underwear and get on top of him. I grinded down on him, making him moan out. My hand reaches down to grab his cock and align himself with my hole. I slowly sit down on him, eliciting a deep breath from us both.

I move my hips up and down on him while my arms are on his shoulders. Soda grabs my waist and lets me do whatever. "Shit, go faster. Mmm." he says in a hushed whisper. I moan out loudly as I speed up. His tip hits my g-spot making me clench down on him. Quiet cries of "Fuck" and "Mommy" spilled from sodas mouth as he babbles.

I remove my arms from his shoulders as his head goes back in pleasure. My hand goes to this throat as I apply a little bit of pleasure. My actions elicited another moan from him. "F-fuck mommy keep your hand right there." comes out desperate. I smirk at his reaction and move myself down up and down harder.

I felt my peak get closer as I clench on his cock again. My moans got louder as I began to rub my clit. Soda looked up at me with dazed eyes and a pussy-drunk smile. I could tell he was close again. I brought him in for another kiss, moaning into eachothers mouths. "I love you" he said as he pulled back and pushed his face into the crook of my neck.

"I love you too. Always." rushed from my mouth as I let out another breathy moan. "Im close. Please let me cum. I wanna cum, Mommy" he sighed me, voice almost non existent from him hiding his face. I ran my hands through the hair on the back of his head before pulling his head back. "C'mon tell me what you want. Don't get shy" I smiled at him, continuing to ride him.

"I wanna cum, Mommy" Soda repeated himself. I whispered a praise of "Good boy, cum for me" , giving him my permission. He moaned as he came inside me, egging my own orgasm. "Soda!" I moaned out as I rode my high.

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