*(P.P. & F.G.) Cuddles In The Zones

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"Stop hogging him, Pois." Ghoul whined, clambering onto the bed next to them.

Party grinned at him smugly, wrapping their arms around Y/N, who burrowed further into their chest. "He likes me better."

"No he doesn't." Ghoul whined again, laying down on the other side of Y/N so he was in the middle of the two killjoys.

"I don't see him cuddling you, dipshit." Party scoffed, absentmindedly running their fingers through Y/N's hair.

Ghoul harrumphed. "Nobody likes you, you gay-ass lampshade."

"You like my gay ass very much, Ghoulie. Don't lie."

Ghoul snickered and kissed their cheek. "Yeah. Yeah, I do."

Y/N yawned. "Kiss and make up, loverboys." He mumbled sleepily, smiling into Poison's shirt.

Party rolled their eyes and swooped forward to kiss Ghoul. "Happy now, dove?"

"Yes. Now cuddle me, you motherfuckers."

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