* Jet-Star and the Kobra Kid (pt. 4)

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"Great plan, Jet. Just knock our boyfriend unconscious."

"Okay, well, it worked and I didn't hear you having any better plans."

"Stop fighting, lovebirds. Here, you got 'im?"

Y/N could feel his body be jostled around, could hear conversations around him, but couldn't open his eyes. A low hum echoed through his entire body, lulling him into a half-asleep state. He had no idea how long it had been when he jolted back awake, his eyes still shut.

If I keep them closed, I can pretend like I'm back in my nice bed in my nice apartment in Bat City.

He was laying on somebody's lap, and his head was cradled in someone's hands.

Okay, Y/N. Think. What do we do?

Someone brushed hair out of his face so gently, it was as if they thought he would break if they touched him too harshly.

Someone else was mindlessly stroking his shoulder, making him tense up suddenly. The comforting little motion stopped.

"Y/N?" Someone asked softly. Y/N forced his eyes to open, blinking rapidly as two blurry people came into his vision. His arms flailed out, as he tried to scramble away from these strangers.

"Hey hey, it's okay. It's just us, Y/N/N." Eyepatch—as Y/N had named him in his head—reassured quietly, holding his body down firmly so he couldn't move.

Y/N stilled, taking in his surroundings. A car. He was in a car. His body was sprawled across Eyepatch's lap, and Sunglasses—the other guy—held his head in his hands. They were in the backseat of a fairly rundown car. Y/N only caught a glimpse of painfully bright red hair and a twisted Chelsea Smile scar in the front and passenger seats.

"Who are you?" Y/N croaked out, pushing down the fear licking at the edges of his mind.

Sunglasses seemed to frown more, if that was even possible. He already seemed to have a very stern resting bitch face.

"Party, you said this shit was supposed to have worn off by now." Sunglasses hissed at someone in the front.

"Dude, I just told you what Show told me. Y/N's been taking that shit for months longer than you guys did. Zeir estimations aren't gonna be exactly right." Red Hair breathed. "Ze said it might take a while. And it's probably gonna be bad. Like, withdrawls for weeks bad."

Sunglasses groaned. "Then what the fuck do we tell him? As far as he knows, Jet just knocked him unconscious and now he's in a car with four strangers."

Eyepatch huffed. "He had a gun aimed at you and Ghoul. I did what I had to."

Ah, so Eyepatch is Silver Helmet is 'Jet'. Okay.

"Y/N?" Sunglasses questioned softly, his thumb skating across Y/N's cheekbone. "You don't remember who we are, do you?"

He let out a shaky breath at Sunglasses' finger's proximity to his lips. "No."

'Jet' had a hand on his hip. "We're your...significant others, Kobes and I are."

Sungla- 'Kobes' nodded. "I'm Kobra Kid. This is Jet Star. The three of us were captured by BL/ind. Jet 'n I escaped two months ago. Korse's had you too close to him to be able to rescue. But we've busted you out now."

"I don't remember any of that." Y/N stated plainly. "I don't believe you."

Jet exhaled sharply. "Oh- uh, you've been taking memory modifiers for a while now. Once the meds wear off, Show said you oughtta be able t' remember shit again."

Y/N's eyes flashed in panic. "You're gonna take me off my meds? Are you insane?!"

Jet and Kobra shared a look between each other. "We know it'll be difficult for you, but-"

"No! I want out of this shitty-ass car and away from you psycho freaks!" Y/N shrieked hysterically, drowning out Red Hair's mumbles of "my car isn't that bad."

Jet let go of Y/N out of surprise, allowing the man to clamber over them quickly and open the car door, jumping out and rolling to a stop on Route Guano.

The Trans AM kept going, too fast to slow down or turn around.

Ghoul stared blankly at the open car door and his recently-rescued-but-now-yet-again-missing teammate.

"...Well fuck."

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