final oneshot.

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guys, i am in complete awe of how far this silly little book has come. 2.5k reads is absolutely insane, and i want to thank you all for your support. unfortunately, all good things must come to an end. i have had the worst possible night of my entire life, and i cannot see myself continuing to write anymore. i'll be taking some time to process and heal from some unspeakable acts done to me. i don't know if i'll return. i love you all. ps, tw for the following.


Never quite enough.

Never quite loud enough.

Never quite outgoing enough.

Never quite polite enough.

Never quite loving enough.

Never quite.

Never quite.

The stone railing of the bridge—plenty wide enough for me to sit on—is still cold under my thighs. The bottle of Grey Goose rests comfortably in my relaxed hand, as I lean against one of the pillars and shut my eyes.

Die, Die My Darling blares through my headphones. What a lovely idea. Thank you, Mr. Danzig.

My foot slips a few times as I push myself to my feet, balancing on the railing. The bottle falls from my loose grasp, tumbling from the bridge. I can hear it hit one of the supports down below, shattering loudly before noiselessly disappearing into the choppy waves of the rushing river.

I curse quietly, shifting my grip on the pillar and scooting closer to the edge, peering down.

It's a hell of a drop. I imagine my body falling, falling, falling like the bottle. Shattering against the supports, my skull crushing and splintering into a million little pieces. What's left of me being consumed by the ever-insatiable dreadful waves. Will the doctors and cops be able to put teenage Humpty Dumpty back together again?

A slow smile spreads across my face. Acceptance and peacefulness. It's all so close.

I step closer.

We're on the corner, slashed my heart for fun. I'm not alive for anyone.

Oh, Mr. Danzig, you have no idea. 

male/nonbinary reader x mcr oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now