(A.F.) Nuclear Family

194 6 13

Requested by Bunn_iiii 

he/they pronouns for y/n <3


Y/N reached for the red crayon, scribbling all over their paper while giggling wildly. Gerard glanced over at him, smiling softly.

"What're you drawing, tiny boy?"

Y/N giggled louder, setting down their crayon to show Gerard his drawing. "Baba 'n papa 'n dada 'n daddy!!"

Gee grinned, taking the offered paper and gently ghosting their fingers over the scribble of red that was supposed to mark the stick figure as them with their signature hair color. "This is so good, baby! Let's go hang it on the fridge."

Gerard handed the picture back to Y/N, picking him up and setting them on their hip. As the pair made their way into the kitchen, Frank intercepted them, scooping Y/N out of Gee's arms. Gerard playfully stuck their tongue out at Frank, pulling the drawing from Y/N's grasp and hanging it up on the fridge. Frank snickered at Gee before turning back to Y/N.

"Heya, tiny bub! I was looking for you. Wanna help me write a song?" Frank grinned, kissing his forehead.

Y/N gasped excitedly. "Guitaw!!! Papa, papa, cans we??"

Frank pretended to think. "Hmm, I suppose we could."

Y/N cheered as Frank carried them to his practice space, setting them in a comfy chair and pulling the strap of his Les Paul over their shoulder. Y/N's fingers immediately found the frets, playing a barrage of clashing notes.

Frank grinned. "If you keep playing that well, you're gonna have to take over for me on stage, bub."

Y/N shrieked with laughter, his hands flying up to cover their blushing face. Frank ruffled his hair, smiling nonstop.

"Now, I have a riff that I thi-"


Frank's turned to look at Mr. Romance, snickering. "Yes, Michael dear?"

"How dare you kidnap the baby? I called dibs for this evening!" Mikey whined, fake-hurt.

Y/N giggled, making grabby hands towards Mikey. Frank sighed mock-dramatically, gently pulling the heavy guitar off of Y/N. Mikey snatched them up, cradling them close to his chest.

"Suck it, Iero. He likes me better."

"In your dreams, Way."

Y/N whined, tugging on Mikey's shirt. "Come on, dada. We was gonna pway chef!!"

Mikey giggled, his playful feud with Frank broken. "Alright, tiny boy. What's for dinner, little chef?"

Y/N's face screwed up in thought as Mikey carried him to the kitchen and set him on the countertop. "Hmmmm, mac 'n cheese?"

Mikey nodded seriously, which was hard to do when he was holding a box of Annie's mac—the kind that are shaped like bunnies. "I agree wholeheartedly."

Y/N laughed, swinging their feet idly as Mikey started to boil the water (by himself, of course, to ensure no potential baby burns would occur.)

"This is gonna take a while to boil, sweetheart. Why don't you go play with daddy?" Mikey murmured, helping them off of the counter.

Y/N scampered out of the kitchen, finding Ray in the living room braiding Gerard's hair while they watched a comedy special on the TV together.

Y/N crawled into Ray's lap, planting a sloppy baby kiss on his cheek and then repeating the action to Gerard.

Ray grinned. "Heya, cutie. What's up?"

He pouted dramatically. "Dada said da water 's gonna take a whiles t' boil."

"He banished you from the kitchen, hm?" Gerard hummed from where they sat on the floor in front of the couch. Ray snickered and ran his fingers through Gee's hair, untangling a dozen tiny braids.

"Mhm!" Y/N whispered conspiratorially. "Banisheded!!"

The two adults just glanced at each other and smiled.

"Well, what are you gonna do until the water's done boiling?" Gerard asked amusedly.

Y/N harrumphed at their tone, sticking their tongue out. "Me an' daddy are gonna takes you t' the doctews so they can makes you nicer."

Ray laughed. "Oh we are, are we?"

Y/N nodded firmly, starting to ramble incoherently about how the doctors would make them nicer by using a process that involved far too many rainbows and sprinkles to be medically accurate.

Ray and Gerard just sat there amusedly, listening with rapt attention and nodding when necessary. Midway through his rant, Y/N was interrupted and borrowed by Mikey to finish making the meal. After they had stirred in the fluorescent orange powder, Frank helped dish up the mac 'n cheese and the peculiar family sat down for dinner.

They were unconventional, perhaps, but they were a nuclear family. 

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