^(M.W.) Break A Leg

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Mikey Way was all angles and sharp edges. His voice never had enough inflection to tell if he was being serious or sarcastic, and he wore too much black.

It's safe to say that absolutely no one was surprised when Mikey Way got the role of Morticia Addams in the school play.

As much as Mikey loved being on stage, Y/N despised it. They found comfort in being backstage, being the mastermind behind the production. Although they did quite a bit of set design, their passion was costumes and makeup.

Y/N had been sewing bric-a-brac onto the hem of a dress when someone knocked on the door of the backstage office.

"Y/N!" Mikey called out, grinning. "My costume looks fantastic, thank you!" He spun around in his dress, showing off the outfit.

Y/N turned red, smiling at him. "Oh uh, of course! Do you want me to paint your nails for the dress rehearsal tonight?"

"That'd be great. I'm gonna change out of this beautiful dress though so I don't ruin it." Mikey tugged it off with no hesitation, leaving Y/N to stare holes into the floor with embarrassment.

"You can look now." Mikey snickered, redressed in his jeans and tshirt. Y/N cleared their throat.

"Right. Uh, you can sit down."

Mikey sat down, laying his hands on the table while Y/N pulled out black polish. They worked fast, evenly applying the paint.

"Oh, I look absolutely fabulous."

"You always look fabulous, when you wear my costumes." Y/N scoffed. "Shame I'm gonna miss it."

"But I'm gonna see you tonight, yeah?"

"I'm not working the dress rehearsal." Y/N hummed, putting the polish away. "Christa is gonna be here in case there's any costume emergencies, but that's it. I'm only gonna be here for the last official showing of the play."

Mikey frowned. "Oh. So this is the last time I'll see you for like a week?"

"Yeah. But you're gonna do great! Frank's taking pictures for the newspaper, I'm stoked to see how well my designs turn out in print."

Mikey nodded. "Hey, uh look, rehearsal isn't for another couple hours would you wanna, like, get something to eat with m-"

"Michael! We're gonna start our rehearsal early, our Wednesday just showed up. Get changed." Ms. Williams, the theater teacher told Mikey quickly, rushing around backstage to inform all of the actors.

Mikey sighed and stood up. "Nevermind. I'll see you at the last show." He mumbled as he started pulling his dress back on.

"Are you nervous?"

"A little." He admitted. "It's usually my sibling who does crazy stuff like this, not me."

"Ah, the Ways. Y'all are a crazy bunch."

"Duh, why do you think I tried out for The Addams Family? I'm used to it."

Y/N laughed, pinning a black rose into his hair. "You're funny, Mikey."

"And you're my good luck charm, Y/N." Mikey harrumphed.

"Oh, shut up. Don't lie."

"What if you are and I'm gonna snap my ankle in these heels because you're not here?"

"I believe the line is 'break a leg' so it'd probably count as artistic interpretation."

"You're probably the weirdest person I know." Mikey commented, booping their nose.

Y/N blushed. "I uh-"

"Michael! We're on in five!" Ms. Williams called.

"I guess I better go, then." Mikey murmured, not moving an inch.

"Yeah." Y/N replied, not moving either.

Mikey suddenly moved forward, cupping their face and kissing them softly. Y/N kissed back, resting their hands on his waist.

Mikey stepped back. "Oh, I didn't even ask if I could- was that okay?"

"Results inconclusive, please try again." Y/N breathed out.

Mikey giggled and kissed them again. "Maybe this is my good luck, huh?"

"Break a leg, Mikey Way." 

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