How we met🍋

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⚠️nsfw, underaged drinking, underaged sex, mention of sa⚠️

Dabi's POV

I'm in line waiting to get in a bar, of course I am 15 so I do have to be careful. But already done this so many times that some of the door checking people just let me in.

They've gotten so use to me that they know I'm 20 and don't bother checking. Some how they believe my story. Don't know how but they do.
(The legal drinking age in Japan is 20)

Usually when I come to the bar it's so that I can get a drink and fuck girls. I'm surprisingly good at finding girls my age at the bar. Even though we're not supposed to be here...

'Oh it's my turn next! Oh hey I know this guy, be usually just let's me in.' I become first in line and just like I thought he just let me in. "Thanks" "No problem Touya!" 'Ugh I still need to find a new name damn it!'

I enter the bar and immediately see a girl with navy hair that was almost black and I think she has dark purple eyes at the bar. 'She looks my age... Or at least close enough! And she's hot~'

I walk over to her and take a seat next to her "Hey~ Can I buy you a drink?" She looks me up and down and smirks. "How old are you?~" "Hmm... I won't tell unless you tell first~"

"Ok, but don't you tell anyone else. I'm 15..." She says the last part whispering, I start smirking and whispering. "Me too, so can I buy you that drink?"

She laughs a bit and and nods her head . "Ok, so what do you want?" "Strawberry martini" "You got it~ Hey can I have a strawberry martini and a beer over here please!?"

"So what's your name?" "Touya..." "Nice name, I'm Inakusa." "Nice to meet you Inakusa~" We get our drinks and I hand the money to the bartender. "So what's a pretty girl like you doing at a bar illegally?"

"I could ask you the same now couldn't I?" "Oh why thank you I do see myself as a pretty girl." She laughs and takes a sip of her martini. "You like joking around don't you?" "When I'm in a good mood yes."

"Well you're funny so you better be in a good mood often." "Eh not really." "Too bad I guess... What fucked up your life?" "Abusive and neglecting father." "I guess that explains the scars..."

She says pointing to my faded pink scars. "Yea...What about you what fucked up your life? I mean you're here and it doesn't look like your with friends. So it's not like one of those things were you'll go out with friends and cause trouble."

"Yea... Father who use to sexually assault me..." "Oh, I'm sorry..." "Me too... Surprisingly though somehow I don't mind sex with other people. Or at least if they're my age. I mean sometimes the memories end up haunting me and than I do get bothered. But that barely happens."

"You wanna?" "What?" "Have sex, you wanna?" She looks at me suprised blushing. "I- Why don't we finish our drinks first." I smirk and start drinking my drink. "Ok~"

Time skip

We've been drinking for maybe 10 minutes now, I finished mine a while ago but she was drinking hers very slowly. It didn't really bother me since I did still get to learn more about her. Turns out her first name is Milo.

I didn't tell her much but she did still find out a good amount. Like how I ran away from home, my quirk and she ended up obsessing over my eyes. Which I really was not expecting, girls have talked about them and complement them. But never that much!

She took her last sip and got up and took my hand. "So where do you wanna go?" "I do have this small place if you want somewhere's private. Of course that would mean we would have to walk."

Dabi and his little secretWhere stories live. Discover now