I name you...

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Dabi's POV
Next day

I wake up to crying and groan while trying to plug my ears. "Gremlin daddy wants to sleep!" She keeps crying so I wake up properly and pick her up off from my chest. "Shhhh..." I rock her in my arms and give her the pacifier.

She pouts but keeps the pacifier in her mouth. "Thank you" I go to the kitchen still holding her and grab a piece of bread and put it in the toaster.

"Gremlin?... You deserve a name. Maybe I should go to the hospital and complete your birth certificate?.... But what should I even name you?!"

I shrug my shoulder and sit at the table and pull out my phone. I start scrolling threw my camera roll to pass the time until I stop on a picture of Shoto. I sigh and look at Gremlin who's looking at me smiling with the pacifier.

'Didn't Mom want to name Shoto Zola if he was a girl? I mean it is a nice name... And Mom did like it a lot...' "Hey Gremlin? What do you think of the name Zola?"

"Awaha!!!" She 'says' very happy. "Hmm... Seams like your name might be Zola." She laughs and the toaster goes off. I grab my toast and start eating but Gremlin or I guess Zola starts whining.

"What?" She puts her head up to my chest and I laugh a bit. "You want food too?" "Mmm!" "Ok" I get up and go to the fridge and grab a bottle and bring it back to the table. I activate my quirk while holding it to heat it up instead of using the oven.

Zola starts making grabby hands at the bottle. But I just raise the bottle above my head still warming it up. She starts crying and I pout. "No! Shush shush.... You'll get food I just to make sure it's the right temperature."

I pour a drop of milk on my rist to test the temperature and deam it warm enough for her. "Here you gremlin have your food." I hand her the bottle and she starts drinking from it.

I go back to my toast and put butter on it since I frogot to earlier and start eating it again.

Time skip

I'm carrying Zola around in the car seat acting as if it's a baby carrier as I walk in the hospital. I finally find the front desk and the cecratery notices me. "Sir, is there anything I can help you with?"

"Uh yea... Where do I need to go to complete a birth certificate? Or how?" "Who is it for?" "Milo Inakusa's daughter" "And who might you be?" "The father... Touya Todoroki." "You have any proof?" "No not really... But you can call Inakusa and ask her questions about her and I'll answer them. Plus I'm holding the baby!"

"... Yea the baby's enough proof wait here." I do as told and she goes to a filling room and comes back with a fille. "Have fun it was left pretty much empty." I take the fille and the pen that she gave me and sit down on a random couch.

The first thing I decide to do is fill in all of my personal information. Like my name, phone number, email, emergency contacts which I only put Inakusa since who else do I know and trust with my child?!

Than I fill out basic information for her even if it was already there since I had to redo essentially everything.

Name: Zola Todoroki
Sex: female
Mother: Milo Inakusa
Father: Touya Todoroki
Date: January 7th
Year: 2124
Time: 1:27 am
Length: 45.5 cm
Weights: 3.1 kg
Hospital: The hospital of Yokohama city
City: Yokohama

'Done!' I check the time and realize it took me 20 minutes to do. I walk up to the desk and place the file down. "Done" "Ok than that's all you needed to do so if that's all you can go." "Have a good day." "You too sir."

I walk out with Zola and walk down an alley way to not attract to much attention. But of course she starts crying. "Zola what is it?" I look around to see if there was anything but nothing was there.

I start swaying the car seat a bit to calm her down and surprisingly it worked pretty well. "Should we go home or get some errands done?... I have been putting off errands for long time now... Fine we can do the stupid errands!"

Zola laughs and kicks her legs. "Heh I forgot you like that word. Stupid, stupid, stupid." She laughs more and starts making adorable sounds.

I get to a grocery store who's not too expensive and start picking up food. Zola keeps looking around her and than out of nowhere screams. People start looking at us and I quickly pick up Zola.

I do my mom's trick but also give her her pacifier in hope that she would stop screaming. She calms down a bit but makes grabby hands at me. "What? You ate like an hour ago. Shouldn't you still be good." She keeps making grabby hands and I face palm with my extra hand.

"She may need to be changed or just wants affection." I turn around and an older woman who looks about 25 years old was talking to me. "Oh, thanks" "So how is it having a little sister?"

"Huh?... This is my daughter..." "Oh I am so sorry! It's just... You look so young!" I nod my head and she leaves me be. I smell Zola to check and she didn't smell. 'So than she must just want  affection?'

I pull her closer to my chest and hug her. She smiles and leans on my chest more. I boop her nose and kiss her forehead and she giggles a bit. I continue walking threw the store but this time I walk with Zola in my arm and go to the baby ile.

Dabi and his little secretWhere stories live. Discover now