Night time

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Dabi's POV
2 month later (7 month old)

I'm cooking supper for the both of us. Since Zola can finally eat solids! While I'm cooking, Zola's on the couch watching My Little Pony. "Zola?" "Hmmmmm?" "You having fun or do you want me to change the show."

She looks at me grumpy and grabs the remote. "Awbadastu!" "Ok, ok!" 'Worth a shot...' "Hey Zola can you say daddy?" "Daaaaa- ....." "Da - ddy" "Ba!" "Daddy?" "D - a?" "Dad?" "D - a - Stu!" "No not stu..."

I go put the food on plates and join Zola on the couch. She smiles and quickly starts noming on the potatoes. "So what's happening in this episode?" I ask her knowing she won't answer, instead she just falls on my lap giggling.

I smile and eat my food while playing with her hair. "Daddy?" I look down at her suprised, smilng and start crying a bit. "Y- yea?" "Daddy!" I laugh a bit and pick her up still crying. "Daddy, Daddy, Daddy!"

"Yea... That's me, I'm daddy!" I boop her nose and she start giggling. "Daddy!" I hug her for bit until she start pushing me away. "Aww, but I like hugging you!"

I put her down and she continues eating her potatoes. "Daddy..." I look to her with the corner of my eye and she sticks out her tongue. "Daddy stu?" "No~ daddy is not stupid." She laughs and points at the tv.

"Hahaaaa!" "Yea that's Pinky pie, she's uh... Is that a canon!?" Zola laughs and starts hitting her plate. The potatoes start flying a bit and it gets everywhere's on her face."Zola..." I laugh at her and get up to get her a wipe.

I wipe the potato off her face and throw the wipe in the garbage. " Ok let's go to the floor." I take the food away and put it on the floor, which lead her to start winning and screaming. "Ok hold on I know you want your food! You are a gremlin~ But you're also a messy gremlin and I don't want to have to clean the couch!"

She keeps screaming and also now looks grumpy since I called her gremlin. She doesn't really like the name... But eh I don't care it will forever be her nickname! I pick her up and as soon as I put her down in front of her food she calms down and instantly starts eating.

"See gremlin!" She flings a bit of potato to my face than smiles. "I- ok..." "Daddy stu!" I laugh and shake my head. "No, no Zola I'm not sutpid." She laughs and lays on my arm still eating.

I grab a wipe trying to not move her and wipe the potato off my face. "Are you going to finish your supper or are you just going to keep throwing your potatoes?" "Stu..." She eats her food and grumbles a bit. "Ok Zola, ok."

I look at the tv and watch the show not really understanding the episode. 'Why does she have a cannon?! No don't fire it! ... Oh it's a confetti canon... Huh seams like I am stupid.'

"Zola once you finish eating you can watch one more episode, but than you're going to sleep." "Nnnnnnn!" "Zola~ It's 6:40, you're supposed to go to sleep at 7:00! And I know that you're not going to go to sleep immediately. Plus there's 10 minutes left to this episode and one more is 22. You also have to finish eating! So I'm actually giving you a lot more time than you're supposed to have."

She grumbles a bit but keeps eating, of course mainly only her potatoes. But hey it's a start, and at least she's eating something.

Time skip

I pick her up off from the floor since it was finally time to get ready for bed. 'Took you long enough... What's up with you and your mother eating/drinking so slow?!' "Come on you need a bath or something to wash yourself."

We go to the washroom and I put her on the ground, I turn on the water to make sure it's the right temperature. 'That should be good... Right? Ah fuck my quirk and making me not able to feel temperature like any other person!'

I pick Zola up and dip her hand in to see how she reacts. She smiles and tries to go in but I pull her up since she's still wearing clothes. "Since when do we take bath's with close on?" I take her clothes off and place her carefully in the tub.

I put some bubbles in and hand her, her rubber duck that she refuses to take a bath without. I make sure she's sitting up properly than sit on the ground leaning against the tub. "5 minutes to play than actual cleaning."

I take out my phone set a timer and check the news. Of course it was only a bunch of heroes talking about how they became heroes. "Tch, more than half of them are fakes." "Bababa" "Hmm?" I turn to face her and she had covered the duck in bubbles. "Daddy! Bababa!" "Are you trying to say bubbles?..." She smiles and 'drowns' the duck, I smirk and turn back to face the door.

'I mean that's not how you would actually drown someone but... Woah! Ok stop not around Zola!'  I pull out me and Inakusa's text and read back some of our text and sigh.

'It's hard to believe that once she's 1 Inakusa is just not going to be around her... I mean right now she'll have no memory which means she won't even remember her own mother... I know Inakusa doesn't trust herself and thinks it's unfair if she were to grow up with us always fighting. But it's still kinda sad since Inakusa is obviously really happy when she sees Zola and Zola seems to enjoy having her mom around. Even if she doesn't exactly understand that she is her mom...'

My timer goes off and Zola immediately knows what that means and starts splashing around. Water starts flying everywhere's on me as soon as I turn around. I roll my eyes and take off my shirt since it was really just hitting my upper half.

"Haha, I've outsmarted you~" She looks at me grumpy and I lean over to clean her. She starts splashing and some soap gets in my eye. "Ow!" I turn around and feel for a towel and quickly wipe my eye. I blink a lot trying to regain proper sight and turn back to Zola.

"Ok Zola time to learn something we don't splash water in people's eyes. Especially if it has soap in it!" "Daddy..." She pouts I boop her nose to get her to smile again. She does and I continue to wash her.

Time skip

I wrap her in a towel drying her off and dry my chest before putting on my shirt. "Daddy?" I look to her and she's holding my phone trying to eat it. "Z- Zola... No..." I take my phone away from her and she pouts.

"Come on, phones are like chargers they have electricity and it's dangerous. So no eating them." She laughs and reaches for me to pick her up. "Ok, ok let's go get you some pajamas. I have to stop forgetting to get those before you take bath's."

I walk into our room, lay her on my bed and pick out a light purple onesie for her. I try and put it on her but she starts waving her arm around. "Zola come on... You need to wear clothes to sleep..." "Daddy bah!"

She kicks her legs and ends up kicking me in the face. "Zola Todoroki let me change you!" She pouts a bit but calms down and I put on the onesie successfully.

I pick her up from my bed and bounce her a bit in my arms. While rubbing  little circles on the back of her neck. "Daddy..." I smile and hum a little lullaby for her.

She falls asleep within 5 minutes and I smile at the little baby in my arms. "I love you Zola." I put her in her crib carefully and tuck her in. I lock the side to make sure she can't get out and lie in my bed.

'One day done a better one to come tomorrow... Hopefully.' I sigh and look at the pink scars on my arms that were slowly getting worse.

I go on my phone and see and add for Endeavor merch. 'Fuck you, you excuse of a father!' I turn my phone off and turn to my other side watching Zola peacefully sleep. I smile and decide to sleep as well.

Dabi and his little secretWhere stories live. Discover now