The hospital

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Inakusa's POV
9 months later

I just finished giving birth and I am exausted and also pissed. 'I'm 15! And I just gave fucking birth!' The doctor comes back to my room and both me and my mom look to her.

"We have the test results back would you like to read them or do you want to read I yourself?" "Can I read it?" Earlier I asked to get a DNA test to actually know who the father was. I'm quite sure that it's Touya the guy I met at a bar 9 months ago, but I want to be sure.

The doctor gives me the test results and I go to the end where I would find the name. Touya ??? I sigh but smile. 'At least it's a good guy and not some shitty guy for a dad... She doesn't deserve to have a shitty dad. I don't want her to go threw what I did.'

I look down at the baby who's in my arms and cry. 'I can't raise her... I know I can't! And mom refuses to let me put her in adoption! It was bad enough she didn't let me abort but now she's forcing me to raise her! I love her but that's just to much for me!... If I give her to Touya it's not adoption... But he'll most likely not like that either!... Well I did have to deal with being pregnant for 9 month, and he was the one who got me fucking pregnant! Maybe mom will let me do that...'

I smile at the little girl who was sleeping in my arms and bouce my arms a bit and I see her smile slightly. She hasn't been much of a fuss yet she's barely cried, only been hungry once but as soon as she finished eating she fell asleep.

'I still need to name her damn it! Wait... If I don't raise her... It wouldn't really be fair to name her... But I can't even give her Touya's last name because he never told me!' I look at the doctor and she was talking to my mom.

"Doc?" She turns around and tilts her head. "Yes ms. Inakusa?" "Her name? By any chance would whoever who ends up caring for her. Would they be able to come here and fill out all of the paperwork and name her than?"

My mom looks at me mad but the doctor answers my question before she could say anything. "As long as it's a legal guardian and within this month that would be completely ok. Just the guardian will need to have proof that they are they're her legal guardian."

"Thank you, could you leave me to talk with my mom?" "Yes ma'am." She leaves the room and my mom looks at me furious. "Melo I said no adoption!" I look back to the tiny baby who's sleeping and she reacted to the scream by scrunching up her face.

"Mom you're gonna wake up the baby... And I don't plan on giving her to adoption." My mom looks at me confused and calms down. "Milo what do you mean?" "Her father, it's the good guy. I know I can't raise her and I'm sorry, but maybe he can..."

"Her father you mean the one you met at a bar and than nocked you up! May I remind you that you're both 15! Neither of you should be at a bar! Which means that you were both there illegaly! Don't you think I frogot a bout that little missy! And you're saying that he's the good one! Jeez Milo what kind of guys have you been hooking up with you slut!"

The baby wakes up screaming and crying, I glare at my mother and she walks out of the room. I start crying with the baby from what my mom said and try to cradle the precious little girl in my arms.

"I know, I know shhhh it's ok... M-? Mommy's got you..." 'Should I even call myself her mom at this point?' I look into her tiny purple eyes with mine and give her my finger. She hold onto it and sucks the tip. I smile that I was able to calm her down again and look at her more.

"I'm sorry I do love you... But I'm sure your dad will love you better than I can..." I start crying more and hold her tighter to me. "I don't want to give you up... You're my daughter too and you look so precious... You don't deserve me as a mother... I wouldn't be a good one and I know your grandparents most definitely won't treat you right either... So it's for the best... So you can have better life... I promise you your dad's a good guy... Grandma may not believe me and I may have only known him for a night but he really was kind and funny... You'll like him, you will... Oh I just want to hold you forever like this..."

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