Birthday! (Pt. 1)

72 3 2

3 month later (1 year old)

Dabi's POV

My alarm starts going off and I wake up quickly turning it off so that it won't wake up Zola. I slowly get up and look at her smiling. I leave the room and sit on the couch.

'I should start making breakfast... But I am way to tired to be near a stove...' I go to the washroom and splash myself in the face with water. Trying  to wake myself up more. "Ok that worked!" I dry my face and slowly go to the kitchen.

I start making breakfast making it special since it's her birthday. Blueberry pancakes, eggs and bacon not something I usually make so I struggle a bit.

I hear a knock and smile a bit since Inakusa is here and she can help me. I slowly go to the door and smile slightly and let her in. "It is 4:30 Dabi why so early!?" "Shhhh she's sleeping..." "Lucky..."

"Come on I need help cooking also you are the one who agreed to come in the morning." "Yea well I didn't expect that morning meant 4:30." "Yea well Zola seams to have developed the need to wake up early unlike us. She always wakes up at 6:00 but we need time to cook. So 4:30 it is..."

"She is a gremlin!" She yells while also whispering. I laugh and lead her to the kitchen. "Blueberry pancakes, eggs and bacon. I've already started the bacon you can choose which you want to make."

"Wow you must really be trying to spoil her huh?" "Well yea it's her birthday." She nods her head and goes to the fridge. "I'll make the eggs." "Ok they're on the middle shelf."

She takes them out and turns on the stove. I give her a pan and she put it on the stove. I start making the pancake mix and she starts cracking eggs. "How do you like your eggs?" "Sunnyside up" "Ok"

I take a pan and put it on the stove next to her. I pour some of the mix in the pan doing one pancake at a time. "How many do you think I should make?" "I'd say either use it all or save at least a 3rd." I nod my head and watched her flip the egg.

"She's growing way too quick..." Inakusa say's. "Yea I feel like yesterday was a year ago..." I flip the pancake and she grabs a plate putting the egg on it. "Where do I put it?" "To keep it warm you can put it in the toaster oven. It's on the lowest heat but it will stay warm and taste fresh".

She does as said and put it in and cracks another egg. "And how does Zola like them?" "Scrambled" She smiles and nods her head. "

Time skip

"Ok foods done what now?" Inakusa asks me. "Decorations..." "Ooh yay!" "Yea... I kinda forgot the decorations in the room thought..." "Fuck... Wait I can get them for you if you show me where they are?"

I look at her confused but she laughs and stands in the doorway looking around trying to find them. "They're under the bed..." "Oh thanks"

She starts concentrating on the bed and the bag of decorations starts slowly sliding out from under the bed. Than slowly floats towards us. I look at her surprised and she just smirks with the bag in her hand.

"So that's your quirk~" She nods her head and spins going to the living room. 'Fuck she's hot! Wait no what am I thinking!' I follow her and she has already started taking stuff out.

"So you have an idea on how you want to decorate or just free hand it?" "Uh.... Free hand it I guess?" "Ok" She stats blowing up some balloons slowly so I start blowing some up too.

"Soo? Why's the theme purple?" "Well she hasn't really developed things she like that much. Really all there is, is my little pony, calling people stupid, crawling, eating, eating things she shouldn't like chargers and of course me. So out of that there's really only my little pony. But also she won't remember this so why not save that idea for later. And on her next one where she'll understand the concept of birthday she can help choose what she wants."

"Yea that makes sense. But how much does she like calling people stupid?" I laugh a bit than sigh. "I get called stupid at least 5 times a day now." She laughs and taps my shoulder. "You poor thing!" "Yup you get use to it after a while but... Oof!"

We start adding ribbon to the balloon. White ribbon on the purple balloon and purple ribbon on the white balloons. "I'm going to go put these three outside." "Ok"

She heads out and I start putting some balloons everywheres. 'what else to do? Banner!' I walk out of the house to see Inakusa who's distracted by the sunrise. "Inakusa?" "Ssh just look"

I look to the sky and see a bunch birds calmly flying through the colorful sky.  "It's pretty but uh... It's also very cold out here." "Yea... Ok we can go back in."

"Where should the banner go?" I ask her showing it to her. "How about at the entrance in between the hall and the living room?" "Yea that works." As if it was on demand Zola starts crying signaling that she's awake. "You go get her I'll set up the table." Inakusa says already taking out the food.

I smile nodding my head and go over to the room. Zola is banging on the crib but calmes down once she sees me. "Hey there birthday girl~" I say smiling and pick her up out of the crib. She looks at me confused but smiles back at me.

"Daddy!" I smile and bring her to the table. She sees Inakusa and smiles starting to wiggle in my arms. "Ok ok!" I put her down and she quickly crawls over to Inakusa. Inakusa picks her up and sits her in her lap.

"Hi Zola!" Zola makes happy noises and grabs onto her hair but doesn't pull it. 'Zola really does love her mom...'  I grab the food and set it down on the table. Inakusa puts Zola in her high chair and Zola immediately starts fussing. "No no, it's ok I- ummm?"

Inakusa starts clap her hands and trying peek a boo to try and destract Zola. But fails very miserably, I notice her struggling and give Zola her plate. She immediate calms down and starts eating the eggs. Inakusa looks at me in pure shock and I just laugh. "One word... Gremlin!" I say pointing at Zola who's eating her eggs extremely quick. Inakusa laugh and we both sit down to eat.

Dabi and his little secretWhere stories live. Discover now