The gremlin wants food!!!

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Dabi's POV

I hang up the phone and look at the baby who's been sucking on my finger. I lay down on the bed and put her under the blankets again. I put back on my hoodie and look at the tiny baby laying next to me."So... What do you want to do?" She looks at me with a blank face and I face palm. "Stupid she can't talk!"

She starts giggling and I raise my eyebrow. "S- stupid wall? Just staring! Stupid wall!" She laughs even more and I laugh with her."Stupid, stupid, stupid!" I say in a playfully tone pointing at the wall.

She laughs and tugs at a blanket. "What do you want it off? Or?" I take the blanket and put it over her head. She laughs a bit but starts screaming after a phew seconds. "No, no it's ok!" I say quickly taking off the blanket.

She smiles and I pick her up form under all the blankets and sit her on my lap. "You know what I actually like you..." I look at her more and notice her dark purple eyes. I look at her head and see the smallest little white strands of hair.

"Hmm" She starts crying and I look at her confused. "What? Do you want something?" I smell her and she smelled completely fine so it wasn't that she needs to be changed. She starts screaming and I stat panicking.

"What!? I don't know what you want! Help me out, give me a hint!" She sucks on her thumb than moves her head to my chest. "Oh... Sorry baby but I can't really give you that..."

I grab my phone and call Inakusa back. "What?!" "Seams like the future came quicker than I thought it would. We kind frogot of something... I need to be able to feed her... I know I can buy it but uh I'm not sure how too."

She laughs a bit than pauses which makes me a bit concerned. "Do you want me to come over?" "Wait what?!" "I can feed her this once and pump some bottles for you when you need. But only if you want..." "...Sure because she's very hungry..."

"Ok see you in a bit." "Yea cya..." I hang up the phone and she goes back to screaming. "I know, I know your mom is coming to help... Which I'm not sure how to feel about that." She just screams in response and I drop my head.

"For only being a phew hours old you're loud!" She yells again and than I see the pacifier sitting on the bed. "Haha!" I grab the pacifier and gently shove it into her mouth. "Ha! Take that!~"

She spits out the pacifier and goes back to screaming. "Oh come on! Now that's just mean..." I sudently remember a trick I would see my mom use on my siblings for literally everything.

I start rocking her in my arms and trace circles on the back of her neck. She calms down and stops screaming, instead she just gave me many grumpy noises. 'Better than screaming.' I sigh and offer her the pacifier again but it just causes her to start screaming.

"Ok, ok! What about my finger? You like fingers!" She laughs a bit but goes back to screaming. I try and give her my finger but she bites me with her gums. "Ow!" 'Wow people don't tell you that gums can hurt even if there's no teeth!'

"Fine scream all you want but it won't make food come any quicker." "Badaba!" She says in a sassy tone. "Oh really now well badaba you too!" "BADABA!" "Badaba!" She screams even louder and I try plugging my ears while still holding her but fail. 'AAAAH!'

The doorbell rings and I rush over to the door still holding her. I open it and see Inakusa, the little gremlin screams again and I push her to Inakusa. "MAKE HER STOP!" She looks at me suprised but takes the child and sits down on the couch.

The gremlin immediately notices Inakusa's chest and starts trying to pull her shirt down. Inakusa laughs and positions her to be able to eat. I look away not knowing what to do and Inakusa laughs again.

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