It's a moving gremlin!

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Dabi's POV
2 month later (9 month old)

I'm on the phone with Inakusa once again fighting as usual. While Zola is sitting in the living room playing with her new blocks I got her yesterday.

"Inakusa I know we agreed to you no longer being in her life once she's one! But this will be her first birthday! Also do you even remember your first birthday!"

"No but I know if I come than I'll start rethinking the whole idea of not seeing her! Because I already have started rethinking it so I know that if I go it just won't end up well! Also unlike you I still go to school! Her birthday is going to be on a Thursday, I'll be in school!"

"What's one day of missing school Inakusa! I'm sure you've skipped before just skip damn it! Our daughter deserves a nice first birthday to look back onto and hear stories about! Also wouldn't you like to see your daughter one last time before you just disappear from her life! Wouldn't it be nicer for that last day to be a nice day instead of a random day where we risk fighting with eachother!"

"Well what makes you think that's we're not going to fight than!?" "Because I want her to have a good birthday so I'm not going to start a fight. I'll also be making sure you don't accidentally make a fight. Because I don't want us to be fighting on her birthday! So I'll most likely just agree with you than and maybe fight you on it later!"

"...... I'll think about it....." "Thank you" I sigh and calm myself down. I look over at Zola and she's still building tiny towers. "So what's new with you two?" Inakusa asks me in a more calm voice.

"Nothing much... She said her first proper word 2 month ago. I think I forgot to tell you...." "Wait really!? That's amazing! Can I hear her say it?" "Sure I can try and get her to say it.

I put the phone on speaker and walk up to Zola. I sit next to her and she looks at me confused tilting her head. "Hey Zola who am I?" "Stu!" "No not Stu I know you love calling people stupid, but who am I?"

Inakusa laughs from the other side of the call and Zola smiles. "D-d-" I keep making the d sound trying to hint to her what I wanted and she starts thinking.

I wait a bit untill she smiles and waves her hands above her head. "DADDY!" I smile and kiss her head. "That's my girl~" I turn off speaker and go back to talking with Inakusa.

"Dabi that's amazing and her voice is so precious." "It really is!" Zola suddenly gets on her knees and hands and starts slowly crawling for the first time.

I gasp and turn on my camera so Inakusa can see, I record the call and start taking pictures. "Zola you're doing it! You're crawling!" I smile and she looks at me confused but smiling.

"Daddy!" She crawls over to me and hugs me. "Dabi she's crawling!" "I know it's the first time she's done it!" She starts laughing and crawls away from me discovering more about crawling.

"She's growing way too quick!" "Oh yea she really is!" We both laugh a bit untill I see Zola crawling over to the kitchen. I instantly get up and pick her up.

"Damn it now I need to get baby gates... Oh well, Zola let's try and not crawl over here. Got it?" She laughs a bit and hugs me not exactly answering me. 'What did I expect? All she knows how to say is daddy and stu which isn't even a real word.'

I smile and put her in her high chair she starts getting fussy cause she doesn't like it. She starts banging on the tray and making very angry noises.

I pull the chair to the living room and hand her her blocks. She calms down and starts building tiny towers again. "Ok Inakusa I'm gonna go, think about it though." "I will... Have good day Dabi." "You too"

I pull out my little note book and continue planing Zola's birthday. There's only three month and a half left to plan. It sounds like a lot but it's really not. Especially since I've been extra busy with work lately... But I want her to have a good first birthday to look back on.

'purple theme, me and Inakusa, chocolate cake, at home, decorations and a few presents. That's all for now... Now to actually start preparing these everything.'

I look up at Zola and she's building her towers. She notices me looking at her and start making grabby hands. "Ok ok you can come down just be careful where you go."

I take her out of her high chair and place her on the floor gently. She immediately starts crawling but was really only going in circles around me. "Zola what are you doing?" I say laughing a bit.

She just makes small happy noises to respond and keeps crawling. 'Hmm... Would she follow me?' I get up from the ground and walk away from her and go to our room. "Daddy?... Daddy!"

I peek my head from behind the door and try to get her attention. "Zola~ Come here." She turns her head to me and starts slowly crawling to me. "Hey you actually did it!" She pulls her arms up smiling trying to say up.

I smile and pick her up. "Little did you know you fell into a trap!" I put her in her crib and she instantly starts fussing. "Awa batu!- STU! DADDY STU!" "Mean... "

She keeps waving her arms and banging the crib trying her best to get out. I go to the living room grab her blocks come back and give them to her. Hoping that it would calm her down a bit. But instead she just threw the blocks at me.

"Ow! Zola! No throwing blocks!" 'Fuck I just yelled at her!' She starts crying and I quickly pick her up. "Shhhh I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell at you. You know I love you... Shhhh..."

She calms down just a bit and I bounce my arms a bit since I know she likes it. "Look I'm just putting you in here because I need to go make lunch. So I don't want to leave you while I'm concentrated on the food while now you could go anywhere. Even though it's amazing that now you can crawl it's also dangerous for you since I haven't saftied the house yet for you."

She looks a bit angry but also sad. I boop her nose and put her back down in the crib. She doesn't fuss this time but reaches threw the bars pointing at the blocks she threw.

I laugh a bit but pick them up and give them to her. "Happy?" She smiles and starts building again. I sigh and go to the kitchen keeping the door open so I can still easily check on her.

I start taking out some food but my phone rings. I check the ID and it's Inakusa. I sigh but answer it putting down the knife I had in my hand.

"Yes?" "I'll come" "What?" She sighs and I wait for her to talk. "Zola's birthday, I'll come." I smile and lean on the counter. "Thanks, I'll send you everything you need to know later. It's good that you're coming." "Mhm... You were right, it's better to see her one last time and have it be a good day instead of a random day."

I smile and continue cooking keeping my phone in between my shoulder and head. We continue talking as I cook mainly updating eachother on our lives.

Dabi and his little secretWhere stories live. Discover now