Getting back to work

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Dabi's POV
One week later

I'm on the floor playing peekaboo with Zola untill I get a call. "Ugh!" I answer and it's one of my 'friends' more like a fellow villain asking if I wanted to help with a job.

"Come on Dabi it's just a simple in kill a few people than out! Plus you haven't been doing much lately! Unless you've somehow gotten that good at covering up crimes!"

"Yea I know but... Just let me think of it! When are you planning to do it?" "Tonight 8:00" "I'll call you if I'm in, if I don't call than don't wait up on me." I hang up the phone and look at Zola

'It's true ever since she was born I haven't done any villain work... Maybe I could because as much as I do love her. I'm not giving up being a villain and ruining my 'father's' carrier. But I would also need to get someone to watch her... The only person I know would be Inakusa! Fine...'

I call Inakusa and she picks up. "What do you want?" "Wow hello to you too!" "Hi sorry just busy." "Oh... Would you still be busy tonight at 8:00?" "Why?..." "I have work but I need someone to watch Zola and you're the only person I can think of."

"Zola? You picked a nice name. But uh... Sure! I can watch her, do you want me to come to your house or you come to mine?" "You can just come over to mine. But thank you so much Inakusa, I haven't been working lately so it'll be nice to get back to working."

"Yea I understand, What time do you want me there?" "Hmm... Maybe like around 7:50?" "Yea that works with me! See you tonight!" "Cya, bye" "bye!"

I hang up the phone and go back to playing peekaboo with Zola.

Time skip

I put on my black coat that I always where while doing villain work. The door bell rings and I rush over to it struggling while still putting on my coat. I open the door and Inakusa starts laughing when she sees me.

"You good?" I grumble and put on my coat properly. "Yea just rushing" "I see~" She walks in takes off her coat and sees Zola sleeping on the couch. "Oh yea she fell asleep..." "That's fine, plus less work for me~"

I let out a breathed laugh and slide past her. "Ok I have to go have fun." "Will do~" I get out of the house lock the door and call back my 'friend'. "Hey I'm on my way where do I go?" "Ha, I knew you'd call!"

"Yea, yea answer the question." "The usual meeting place you dumb ass!" "Just checking damn it!" I hang up the phone and walk to our meeting spot who's in a forest behind a warehouse.

I push the trees out of my way and see my 'friend' Kokuen sitting in a tree. "Hey Dabi" "Hey Kokuen, so what's the job?" He jumps down from the tree infront of me and sits down on a tree stump.

"There's some 'heroes' that are going to be there. Why? Not sure! But hey they're very much fake also you haven't killed any one in a while! So why not have a bit of fun?~"

"You know what, good enough for me what's the plan?" "I'll clone myself to distract them while I destroy the lights and phone signal. Once the lights are down you can attack and I'll help with my clones since they won't be able to see them anymore. But while you're attacking I'll prepare us a way out."

"So essentially you're the distraction and I'm the attack but you'll still help with the attack?" "Yup" "Ok I'm in!"

Time skip

Kokuen got in successfully and I'm just waiting for my phone to say it has no service. It finally went down and so do the lights. I smirk and head in and see the heroes trying to contact for backup.

I throw a blast of fire in their derection but one just happens to have night vision and sees me. He runs towards me and punches me in the face than tries to pin me down but Kokuen's shadow clone stops him.

I burn the hero and the other woman charged at me. I send a flame to her but she blocks and throws a blade at me. It stabs me in the arms and I fall to the ground from the pain.

Kokuen's clone pins her to the ground and I throw a flame at her with my good arm causing her to burn. His clone helps me up and I quickly go to the back of the building to see Kokuen with a stolen car.

"Are you ok!?" "Yea just!-" I pull out the knife and instantly regret it. "AAH! NEVERMIND!" I put pressure on it and Kokuen hands me a roll of bandages. "You think you can do it yourself?"

"Yea I can do it!" "Where do you want me to drop you off?" I pause remembering that Inakusa and Zola were at the house. "Just the corner of ***** and ******* street." "Ok!"

He drives me there while I finish bandaging my arm. He starts speeding and makes it to the corner that I told him. "Hey Dabi call me tomorrow so I know your not dead!" I laugh a bit and wave to him with my good arm. "Yea yea by Kokuen!"

He drives away and I walk over to my house. I open the door and Inakusa comes to the door looking at me scared.

Dabi and his little secretWhere stories live. Discover now