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Dabi's POV
5 months latter (5 month old)

"ZOLA NO!" I take my phone charger from her since she was trying to eat it. 'Of all things why a CHARGER!?' I put it in my pocket and pick her up from the floor. "No more trying to eat chargers."

She pouts and I look at her seriously which I don't do often since I don't usually have to scold her. She bites my finger and laughs thought I didn't find it too funny. Especially since she got her teeth last month!

"Why are you being so destructive today?" She tries to bite me again but I move my finger before she could. "Damastu!" "Uhun?... Ok" Today was actually kind of important and we'd soon have to start getting ready.

Inakusa's parents wanted to meet me and Zola. Well they've been wanting to ever since Zola was dropped off at my door step. But now they were just fed up and me and Inakusa ended up deciding it wouldn't be the end of the world if Zola met her grand parents.

Though Inakusa did warn me to not let Zola ever be alone with her dad and too not let him touch her at all. Me knowing what he did too Inakusa I agreed a bit less on the no touching at all since that's a really hard thing to do. But she was very pushy, pushy enough that it was either agree or smack myself as hard as I could with a brick.

We need to leave in about an hour, Inakusa warned me also to dress fancy but casual. This was the only time I was thankful to grow up as a Todoroki. Cause that is the only reason as too how I know what that means and how too dress.

To be honest I'm a bit scared mainly since well I'm meeting Inakusa's parents and they do not sound the best. Also I don't think they like me that much since well... I got there daughter pregnant!

Also it's been since Inakusa found out that I'm a villain that we've seen eachother in person. We've talked online obviously, but I'm scared that it's just gonna end up like last time.

I snap myself out of my thoughts once Zola starts pulling on my hair. "Ow! Zola!" I put her in her crib and grab the outfit that I bought her

I take her out of the crib and lay her on my bed and put the outfit on her

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I take her out of the crib and lay her on my bed and put the outfit on her. As well as giving her two little buns with the little amount of hair she has.

I put her back in the crib not trusting her out of it. 'Thank god she can't crawl yet! I don't know what I'll do once she can...' I put on a black dress shirt, dark blue jeans, black belt and a leather jacket. 'This should be good! Not sure about the jacket but I can just take that off easily.'

I start packing a bag for Zola including a bottle even though Inakusa will most like just feed her herself. A pacifier, diapers, wipes, a stuffy, a raddle toy that she loves so much for some reason and a clothe for if she spits up. "Good good everything's good you're fine it's just her parents! Stupid parents!"

Zola laughs from her crib making me smile. "Stu!" She says giggling. "Yea, Stu!" I pick her up and check the time on my phone. "We've got 45 minutes and it's a 30 minute walk... But it's also very busy adding most likely 5 minutes of traffic. So that leves us with 10 minutes and even than Inakusa did suggest showing up a bit before. Ugh let's just go now!"

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